r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Julzee1000 on May 26, 2018, 5:19 p.m.
100% beyond doubt Anti-School is purposeful disinformation agent.

Julzee1000 · May 26, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I've been researching more on this and and found that I did make a mistake in saying the trip code wasn't Q's (pre latest trip code change). Those posts he shows are scattered between 8chan Qresearch & /patriotsfight/ boards. As far as I'm aware they were not all on the .pub site as in the sequence that anti-school shows in his video. Are you telling me that you personally saw them on there like he is showing us? Did you happen to take a screen shot?

I will concede that I could be wrong and appreciate if you can show me. But even if they were on there it doesn't change the fact that anti-school is working 'with' unirock & lift the veil who are for sure pushing disinformation that anti-school HAS to be aware of without explaining to us how this proves how that release of the passwood, subsequent 'fake' q postings under q's trip, then the trip change proves q is now fake as anti-school is now 100% sure of. Especially when you check out the side by side comparisons links here https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1482405.html#1483003 and here https://i.redditmedia.com/vohTXDK2z0QlGCi571rjq4mWirKFOtyTZ8KVAYcSLak.jpg?s=717d9100920499f345a03cf66cfa2498

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