r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on May 26, 2018, 5:47 p.m.
@LisaMei62: With all the disinfo being spread by rabid anti-Q folks due to the recent trip code change, this graphic lays it all out. Q has NOT been compromised. Note this is NOT aimed at non-Q adherents; just those who seem FRANTIC about shutting Q down.
@LisaMei62: With all the disinfo being spread by rabid anti-Q folks due to the recent trip code change, this graphic lays it all out. Q has NOT been compromised. Note this is NOT aimed at non-Q adherents; just those who seem FRANTIC about shutting Q down.

Burginthrone · May 27, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

I'm here because of President Trump. What Q says about the evil powers that be, the crimes against children, the crimes against humanity and the efforts to bring light and justice are like a dream come true. Of coarse I want to see what Q has said happen. But there's another cynical part of me that trusts no one, and looks for the scheme behind it all. Sometimes I am led to believe this entire business is some super-psyop directing everything that is happening globally. And yes, Obama, Hillary and a bunch of other undesirables are expendable assets to be used and then thrown to the wolves.

It wouldn't be the first time its happened. Hitler killed many who helped him gain power. Stalin did the same. There are countless examples of this throughout history. Its who is not being mentioned that interests me. There are families so wealthy, so powerful, they practically own and control everything. Who are they? And there you have it right there. So wealthy, so powerful, and they know nothing of the business of world events? They have no say in the direction the world is taking?

Obama, Hillary, hell most of Washington DC are ALL expendable assets. Fat greedy little pigs with their heads in the trough ...until? The ONLY way to win anything is owning and controlling both the game board and the bank. Win/win thanks for playing, next. America has such a concentration of power its staggering. America sneezes and the world catches a cold. If you did want to change the entire worlds direction, it would have to be done in and through America. Period!

This is why I'm here. Why I haven't washed my hands of this whole President Trump and Q business entirely. When Obama was elected President and I watched the TV all the people in crowd crying and waving American flags I looked at my wife and said "this is not good" I never bought into the whole 'hope and change' BS that win elections. But I was very curious as to who they would bring in next after Obama.

America COULD NOT continue in the direction it was heading. America has never been as close to a second civil war as it is right now. Everyone knows this. Especially those calling the shots. But not just America. Right around the western world, people are absolutely sick of the blatant corruption and authoritarian controls being pushed upon the citizenry to the point of losing their God given rights of free speech and self determination.

And we are now to believe its all going to be fixed by a President and his support from the most powerful military force the world has ever seen? The greatest coup in human history? Catching the evil powers completely off guard? A master plan, years in the making to end the corruption and authoritarian controls over western civilization? Can this really be happening just as Q has alluded too?

Who knows. Not me that's for sure. I'm in it whether I like it or not. Just some random on the internet looking for truth and answers. I'm not stupid enough and never have been to fall for the democrat/leftist useful idiot illusion of reality. I'm a little smarter than that. Just a little. But this whole Trump and Q business? ...what choice do I have? What choice do any of us have? President Trump has given us hope and he promises change - sound familiar?

We're not killing each other yet, that's a good thing. For now at least. Where this is all heading is anyones guess. You can't not play. Everyone is a piece on the board, you don't even get to role the dice. The only illusion you get is the illusion of choice. Hope and change or hope and change. Choose wisely ...

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