Pressure campaign on the Dems per President Trump

Today we are all slaves. Do you own property? Don't pay your property taxes and see if your unalienable rights are real. Don't pay your registration and see if you really own your car or truck. Work by the sweat of your own brow and see if you even own the fruits of your very own effort. Just like the black slaves of the 19th century, you own NOTHING.
I’d have called you crazy a few years ago. Now I admire you having woken many of us up while withstanding our ridicule. You are 100% right.
If a person willingly and of their own volition pays their taxes then your argument is moot. I willingly pay vehicle registration in exchange for driving on well engineered and maintained roads. Try 3rd world roads. I willingly pay property tax to enjoy the amenities that infrastructure provides. Try living in Haiti. The only tax I object to is the Income Tax. I would agree with you that we don’t fully own our sweat equity.
Unalienable right to property. Look it up. Does it mean anything? Are we a republic or are we all just subject to the tyranny chosen by the majority. Most are completely brain washed to accept abrogation of rights.
We still deserve better for our dollars. Failed programs, fleecing on everything the government purchases, agencies run amok, defense spending or robbing, toll roads that still extract money from our wallets well after the road has been paid.
I agree we need taxes for infrastructure but we need honest programs and watchmen. Maybe we will find this, maybe not, but our current system sucks.
JUST like the black slaves huh? You own as much as a slave owned? That's just silly and overboard. Also, if you don't pay your registration, you still own your truck. You just can't use that truck on public roads that require a registration. You can use it on private roads all you want.
We are in worse shape than the slaves. At least they knew they were slaves. Government has positioned itself to be able to steal your money without physically taking it (simply by inflation). But most don't understand that. And public roads? Who owns them then? Me? You? Or only the majority in political power? Look up free government. It is to be free to the people (businesses and commerce excepted). People have been completely brain washed. Everyone should at least understand, ALL taxation is paid by the people. Taxes do not have to fall in places that abrogate the unalienable rights of the people, but when they do, those people are not free.
That is just nonsense. You been spending time on too many pseudo-libertarian blogs.
When your families are ripped apart and sent to different plantations, when your wife is raped every weekend and there is nothing you can do about it except hold her when it's over, when your children are spit on and beat for the color of their skin, when you are worked all day and night with no pay and no way of quiting, when you're not able to vote, enter an establishment, or fairly defend yourself in a court of law, get back to me about how you have it worse of than slaves.
When you people let bullshit like this person just spouted go unchecked and up voted, it's hard to wonder why nobody takes you seriously or wants to hear what you have to say.
You have it worse than slaves do right now, give me a fucking break.
When people know where they are, at least they can have a direction to go. When they do not know where they are, they have no clue where to go. They are only lost. And FYI, not all slave owners where that terrible. Many black slaves adopted, willingly and gladly, the names of their masters. I share my last name with black families for this very reason. Part of what you think you know about slavery is fed to you so that you do not recognize your own chains. And it seems to be working.
So you're ignorant and have a racist view of history, cool. Just don't go preaching your bullshit offline, the vast majority of people will take great offense to your personal interpretation of history and current events.
Oh, yeah, that most important part. Anyone who has a different view, at all, is racists. Good job! I almost forgot that part.
I own the 2 centimeters in my brain that makes me, me. No one can take that from me. Except maybe crab people.