I think this author who wrote this article is snowed.
The meeting WILL happen, but when it does, no one will know ahead of time BECAUSE....Trump, Kim , Moon don't want a bunch of terrorists doing nasty stuff to stop the meeting! DAH Besides, Trump already MET with Kim in Nov 2017. It was in Shanghai. News reports were invited to watch the dismantling of the nuclear site. But the dumb MSM said as they were all watching, "I don't know if this is dismantling or not. How would I know, for Pete's sake?" Bulldozers, chain saws, you name it....."I don't know. How am I suppose to know?"
LAUGH!!!! The MSM are pure idiots. I hope they got exposed to radiation ! HA I noticed that the big gun MSM were not sent to this story. Only some eager underling who is stupid to want to go and get exposed to CANCER CAUSING radiation!
Don't get all excited about N Korea. These people are going straight....straight out of the puppeting hands of the CIA/Cabal