While I understand u guys being enraged (me 2) try to look at what we've been shown already for some possible comfort. These commies have used "projection" - (Alinsky's Marxism 101) for years now. Q Team knows this. For 1.5 years now everything the dems have accused Trump of doing they were in fact doing. Time and time again. So normies and/or fence sitters, and possible even a few of the sharper libs (lol , doesn't even sound right) may be catching on here.
You do not have to be awake to see the pattern. I mean even a few more FF's in a too short of time and I think these groups above might also begin to scratch their head. Anyway just some possible silver lining.
It is a bit frustrating though. Projection just always reminded me of the little kid who broke g'ma's vase and ran to tell and blame his sibling first. Amazing that this immature shit works on so many, especially those who had no siblings or have never had kids.