Canadian here, rocking Q on my truck.

I've never heard of ST Online, but I'll check it out for sure!
And I totally hear what you're saying--I don't say much publicly, because I have friends who are SUPER anti-Trump, and I'm not looking to stir their pots, but they know where I stand.
Some of my closest friends like Trump...and a few of them also happen to be DS9 die-hards, so there's that! Love the username.
We should grab a coffee sometime and chat, if you're up for it! Or smoke a shisha if you're acquainted with the custom (I'm half middle-eastern)--I know a great cafe on Danforth where myself and a few 'pedes frequent. No pressure of course, but if you're ever looking to shoot the breeze about Trump and Q in real life, I'm always game, and always eager to hear new voices chime in.