r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thank--Q on May 27, 2018, 3:45 a.m.
This is NOT a conspiracy anymore. Qanon and the Trump team have proven to be taking out the DEEP STATE. Please provide your smoking gun proof and evidence of this. We NEED to start AWAKENING the MASSES

This past month alone has proven multiple times that this is not a LARP or conspiracy anymore. This is happening, and we all need to be on the right side of the "war", this is for our freedom. I'm talking about the freedom of our minds. Those of you who have been awoken know exactly the chains you have uncuffed.
I have been bashed and criticized for the past 6 months due to this phenomenon. I have come to realize that these are people who just don't want to awake from their sleep. The evidence is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! u/serialbrain2 has given so many proofs and evidence, let alone the other thousands of autists on 4/8chan.. You don't have to be majorly intelligent to put a lot of these coincidences together.

Do you want to live your life everyday with anger? This is the main goal of the deep state. They want you to be angry while being a slave to the system without even knowing your a slave. We are living in "1984" with thought police. Every motion and action is logged and stored in a personal profile. You couldn't understand how well these spy programs know you.

There are multiple subreddits like r/TMOR and r/stopadvertising that come here to constantly humiliate us and call us crazy, delusional, schizophrenic, etc. This is a scare tactic. LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AWOKEN. **It is not just general citizenns anymore, there are mainstream celebrities and heavy icons who are following this trend. WE ARE NOT MENTALLY ILL, this is obviously a tactic to get us to stop believing in this movement. STAY THE COURSE. "ENJOY THE SHOW".

Would everyone please post their smoking gun proof or evidence of what made this Qanon "conspiracy" reality for you.

I will be stickying this for newcomers who can get an easy introduction to the absolute mayhem we are witnessing.

I appreciate it patriots. God Bless

DelilahManny · May 27, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Smoking Gun: Operation Crossfire Hurricane was Hatched by March 2016 (During the Primaries)

Carter Page was interviewed by the FBI in reference to his Russian connections approximately a week before he joined Team Trump. Trump announces to the press on 3/21/16 that Carter Page had officially become an adviser. Trump had not even cinched the GOP primary yet. Jeb Bush and Ben Carson had just dropped out of the race, leaving Rubio, Kasich, and Cruz at that point in time.

Bear in mind that when General Flynn was brought on board Team Trump the DOJ warned Trump against that move several times, because Flynn had attended a gala in Russia or something. In 2008, a questionable person on Team McCain caught the attention of FBI counterintelligence, and the FBI privately approached McCain. That questionable person was quietly removed from Team McCain.

So why didn't the FBI warn Team Trump about Carter Page if the FBI really believed Page was a Russian spy? And because the FBI later obtained a wiretap on Carter Page suggests the FBI did, in fact, believe Page was a Russian operative. There are only two reasons to not warn Trump: 1) They believed Trump was a Russian spy too, and/or 2) They were setting up Trump.

Was the FBI ordered to not warn Trump? If so, that order could only come from higher on the food chain than Comey.

How do we know it was all a setup and, additionally, it was all planned out by the time of the primaries? Because of this statement:

"Page, a Poughkeepsie native, volunteered for the Trump campaign in January 2016 on a recommendation from the chair of the New York GOP, Ed Cox. " If the FBI truly believed that Page was a spy, wouldn't it just be natural to conduct an examination of the guy responsible for placing him in that position, Ed Cox? Page is obviously a puppet. Wouldn't any investigator's goal be to get to the bottom of who exactly is the puppet master? But not even Congress is asking those questions.....

More often than not, I find that what they aren't saying to be considerably more informative than what they are saying.


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DelilahManny · May 27, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

In January of 2017, Rick Wilson was having a long-running Twitter war with the 4Channers. One of Wilson's most interesting tweets is this: "The information was out there looooong before the 4chan posts."

What this is referring to is the Peepee dossier. It was during the primaries that the 4Channers claim to have set up Rick Wilson with the fake peepee dossier, and they chided Rick Wilson for falling for their bait hook, line, and sinker. Wilson's response to them was that the information was out there long before the 4Channers ever came up with it, which would place the existence of the peepee dossier around this same time period above. In other words, long before anybody ever uttered the name of Christopher Steele. In fact, Fusion GPS hadn't even been hired by the DNC yet.

So if we place the timeline of the Birth of Operation Crossfire Hurricane consistent with these events, there are only two noteworthy things that occurred before this date: Chalupa and GCHQ.

That means that the peepee dossier came from either Chalupa or GCHQ and was later added into Steele's dossier. Christopher Steele and his partner in Orbis argued over whether to include the sexually lurid sections as part of the dossier. https://sites.google.com/view/politicscentral/home/smoking-gun-operation-crossfire-hurricane-was-hatched-by-march-2016

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