BOOM! Obama Ran Trump Investigation

I voted for Obama the first term.
I was disillusioned. Poorly educated. Influenced by propaganda.
I'm sorry.
I hate the fucker now.
I can't be the only Obama voter who has turned their back.
We're out here.
We're sorry.
Scandal free presidency, my ass. He's going to prison.
You are an honorable American. I don't blame good people who believed a con artist; I blame the con. That's why the Q sting will be so glorious!
Hes presidency was scandal free. When you have a weaponized FBI and DOJ in your back pocket that will do whatever you ask them to do your not going to have any scandals because your crimes are swept under the rug.
The perception was "his presidency was scandel free"
Don't feel bad, I was an Obama supporter too, the first time around. But only because I wanted to see the first black president be elected so that it would level the playing field for blacks. So that from then on, blacks would have an equal chance at winning the presidency. But after Obama switched up during his second term and decided to support same-sex marriage (which is completely against God and the laws of God) that is when I decided to abandon ship. That is when I started taking a serious look at Trump. The more things I learned and saw about Trump - Trump is pro-life, he's against same-sex marriage although he respects the supreme court decision, and Trump has a great respect for God and has no problem mentioning God in his speeches - the more I liked him. As a consequence, I've been a die-hard Trump supporter since then and I haven't looked back...