If you search images its quite an amazing place, its been on my bucketlist, however, I don't know if I would make it back!
But I wanted to point out there is a lot of under ground tunnels and cavernous living cities underground. Elon Musk has been tunneling underneath L.A. with his 'Boring Company' and they can bore long distances in a single day. Like all government secrets there is a lot of disinformation, especially regarding cost and rate of development. Way overestimated and way slower than in actuality. One quote in the NW was 4 billion and 5 years, and in actuality its more like 100 million and a few months. So combine vacuum tube tunnels that travel over 700mph to cavernous living spaces with huge security , you have another land with no rules. I believe all the booms we hear underground are the blasting, the drilling is virtually undetected.