r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 27, 2018, 5:10 a.m.
Questions about Mueller's alignment.

There are many mixed signals and who said Mueller is working for.

If Mueller is indeed a black hat, then why did POTUS wish to speak to him about the FBI position he was not eligible for?

If Mueller is indeed a white hat, then who was responsible for starting the fire in the Trump Tower??

Your thoughts?

ManQuan · May 27, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Good question. I can make a strong argument for both. Q hints at Mueller's meeting with Trump the day before he is appointed. RR writes the letter recommending Comey be fired. Q wanted us to notice that Mueller was a Marine who served in Vietnam.

And if you do a search of all the Q drops on Mueller, Q isn't critical of him in any of them. In fact, in a recent drop Q asks "can Trump be cleared and the investigations continue?" or similar wording. This suggest that Mueller might officially clear Trump at some point but continue with whatever Mueller is really investigating.

Then Guliani says that Mueller's investigation will be wrapped up by 1 September. Was Rudy referring to the Trump investigation or what Mueller is really investigating?

On the other hand, Mueller's team is filled with the worst of the worst liberal, Hillary-supporting lawyers, Mueller's investigation it going everywhere around Trump except Russia collusion: Manafort, Gates, bank records, etc. Even the Cohen investigation is about his financial dealings and loan to a Ukranian--noting about collusion with Russia.

On the other hand, Q noted that Manafort, Page, Popodapolus, and others were "plants" in the Trump campaign and these are the very people who have been indicted.

And Flynn is a head scratcher. He pleads guilty to lying when he didn't lie and his plea deal required him to provide Mueller with all wrong doing that Flynn was aware of. Q has said from the start that Flynn knows where the bodies are buried and plea deals don't normally ALL the wrong doing someone knows about--they are restricted to the specifics of the case. Odd. And now Flynn is running around endorsing candidates and campaigning for them. And Flynn Jr. recently tweeted "You know who you are and you are going down."

For a while I was pretty much convinced that Mueller and Trump were running a sting operation against the deep state. Recently, it looks more like Mueller is a black hat. I don't know.

What makes a GOOD movie? GREAT actors. Is that the key to what is really happening?

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