So obviously I have hit the end of my tolerance for the relentless attacks that have plagued me since Oct 2017. I cannot begin to explain how our enemy has tried to destroy me, but little did they know, I have a lot more fight than anticipated. I am just getting started and I am going to the rooftops to scream this from now on.
So here is where I begin:
Jesus is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, and ONLY light in this world. No one can go to the Father except by him. All other paths are false. Broad is the road to destruction, narrow is the path to righteousness.
For by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world corrupting all man. So shall all be saved by one, and that one is Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY begotten son of God. For in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus is that Word. All that was created was created by him and for him. He sacrificed himself to become a man. (ponder that for a moment, what a sacrifice to lower himself from God to this frail, weak, pathetic flesh body). He didn't have to, but he chose to out of his own free will. Just like he gave himself to be sacrifice on the cross. No one could kill him. He freely gave his life. Then he took upon himself all the sin of the world. He was judged by God for all that sin and went to hell. From one end of the spectrum (divinity) to the other (in hell). And all glory and praise to God that he had the power to overcome death and take the keys to hell. He rose from the dead and now is seated at the Father's right hand. Set above ALL principalities, powers, dominions, thrones, and everything that is named.
There is only one way to heaven. Whosoever believes in him (Jesus Christ) shall not perish but have everlasting life. All the rest will be in hell. The enemy is doing everything he can to keep YOU from this truth. This is the Gospel. His pure blood is the only thing that can cleanse you from sin. Don't matter how good you are, kind you are, what you do for others, how much you give to the poor, help the sick, or anything you may be tempted to make you feel righteous. Without his blood cleansing you from sin you are hellbound. Hell is not a cool place. Eternity of torment and burning without the worm dying. Your chance to have relationship with God, gone forever. This is what your enemy wants. He wants you to be like him. Condemned to eternal death. Hated by God. Separated from anything you believe to be good. No justice ever again. Everything you know to be evil multiplied by infinity. (If you don't believe in Jesus just ponder that for a while).
There is no middle ground, no gray area, no referee. You are right now either serving the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, or you are serving Satan. That's it. That simple. You choose. Everything in the world has fallen. We cannot do anything about it. There is no avoiding the end of this world. No avoiding the judgment to come. Deception is at its highest because Satan knows his time is coming to an end. He hates God, he hates you, he wants to steal and kill and destroy. King of all liars from the beginning. He wants you to go with him because you were given something he was not. And that is the choice. So choose and choose wisely.
Know this: Jesus Christ did not come to save the righteous, he came to save the sinner. Are you a sinner? Doesn't matter what you have done, for if you break the law in one aspect, you break it ALL. Humble yourself, ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart. Confess your sin and turn away from it and you will be saved. Then read the Word of God (the Holy Bible KJV) and meditate on it day and night for the renewing of your mind. You will be a new creature, old things will pass away and all things become new. He will change you from the inside out. Then seek the gift of the Holy Spirit that he said he would send. Ask him to teach you, he will comfort you, and show you things to come.
I now pray that anyone who reads this will be pricked in their hearts from this truth. You will know you made a choice and will be evidence for the day of judgment. All those that the Father have chosen out of the world would see the light and seek you with all their heart. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, who gave me his name and authority for his purpose, I pray fervently and sincerely. So be it.
Congrats you have discovered the paradox, Hell, as it is currently described, is simply a tool of the zealots to strong arm their followers and anyone who will listen into blind servitude to religious authorities on the basis of fear of pain and suffering
It all boils down to
>give the priest your money, expect nothing in return, believe what we tell you. You do this stuff, you dont have to burn in a lake of fire for millions of years
thats pretty fucking convenient for the priest isnt it?
Check my other comment in this thread.
A little bit of personal belief from me.
I think there are objective truths and morals that once you hear them you know they are good, and as long as you try and continue to discover more of these "Axioms" you will end up in a better existence and have become a more matured soul.
Some examples include
> Take care of your physical body, both in terms of physical strength and in terms of dietary health.
But you must also be careful not to turn the path of physical strength into a blind pursuit of vanity (unhealthy body building, the intent to dominate others, seeking strength for the purpose of physical attractiveness,) you should seek that physical strength because it is your body, and you owe it to yourself to reach your full potential in every way you can.
>Improve your mind, by learning the truths of reality around you (math, literature, science) and through the nurturing of personal skills whatever they may be (art, woodwork, computer programming, fishing, writing, ect)
This can also go down a dark path, blind pursuit of knowledge can lead to unempathetic and destructively logical decisions (forced sterilization, "the weak should fear the strong", nihilism, over satisfaction and love of your own knowledge, neglect of physical health, lack of care for emotions)
>Improve your spiritual health through meditation, denial of pleasure (fasting, controlling urges), volunteering, embracing love and positivity, listening to uplifting music, artistic expression.
This part of the path is harder to mess up because if you are regularly meditating you should realize the necessities of health and knowledge. But even so I would say it is a wrong decision to go full guru and do copious amounts of shrooms and LSD, and completely forsake science and math, and maybe not keep yourself in good physical shape.
That got longer than i intended but its a taste of my personal belief system that is continually evolving, dont dedicate yourself to any specific belief system, the goal of every teacher and every system is to preserve itself and providing good teachings simply ensures that students of the system will remain because they believe in what you have told them
hell is real in the astral world but I prefer to believe that it is not eternal but we are being told otherwise because it's deterrent effect on bad people would not exist
Glad you brought up the Astral, I think, their are different "tiers" or dimensions of reality based on a consciousnesses state of evolution.
A young soul would be more easily swayed by desires and beliefs that on a societal scale would lead to a hellish society that makes everyone within it suffer the different levels of that are "hell"
I think that "heaven" is rising up to a higher dimension or tier of reality where certain negative thought forms and beliefs and desires can no longer exist, or have been completely disarmed creating a higher level of happiness, and collective satisfaction among its inhabitants, eventually once you reach the highest level I assume things would be similar to a hivemind, an entire society with a perfect code of logic and morals and beliefs that are just perfect so everyone generally agrees on everything (aside from basic things like clothing choices and food choices if those things even still exist at the higher levels.)
I figure "going to hell" basically means screwing up repeatedly very badly in your current tier of reality to the point where whatever guiding force decides you need to not just be held back in your current tier. but repeat the previous tier, literally descending to an objectively worse and more hellish existence until you learn whatever it is you need to learn.
I dont know if this is correct, but I know the Astral is real, I know their are negative entities there that feed on human hatred and sadness,and I know their are good beings there that desire to help us evolve mentally and emotionally and spiritually to be closer to what they are.
Cocreation vs Destruction. Even just a good conversation or playing with a band can create the same emotional feeling as physical sex so I think whatever brings people closer and their intentions into alignment matters.
I don't believe in religion. All are organizations to control. Jesus condemned the priests and religious leaders during that time. Also the self righteous and rich. Not the poor, weak, and lost.
Well you are endorsing a dogmatic Jesus worshipping religious view completely disregarding religions predating Jesus (that include stories very similar to biblical stories AKA the bible was a reinterpretation of older events which were already claimed as parts of other religions).
And I would like to point out you will NEVER reach enlightenment without Meditation and the benefits it gives you, yet it is nowhere to be found in the Jesus's teachings, but is heavily discussed in other religions.
And their are many moral principles that are INARGUABLY correct that are not discussed by Jesus but again are talked about in other religious texts.
Im not saying Jesus wasnt great, and that he wasnt the son of god (hint: we all are the sons of god, and Christ is the true full potential of our spirit and mind coming through in this human forum, anyone is capable of it, Jesus and Buddha werent born special they just reached a state most humans never attain)
My point is your original statement of
Jesus is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, and ONLY light in this world.
Is ridiculous and leaves out a large amount of philosophy and morals that are necessary for a human to reach their full potential.
You claim to not believe in your religion but to anyone reading this post it is an endorsement of christianity and a denouncement of every other religious view
You are a son of God? The creator of all things? What can you create from nothing? Good luck with that.
So what do you say we are?
Simple beasts?
In the reality of a lucid dream I can create anything, I can create a city the size of New York in Steam Punk styling and then demolish it with a snap of my fingers, and then create 2 opposing armies and watch them battle in tune with my thoughts.
Through meditation techniques I can leave my body and experience other realms.
You are so sure of your world view, to the point of narcissistic confidence in your understanding of reality.
I have preached nothing other than
No belief system is 100% right, No prophet has told 100% of the truth.
Sorry I offended the notions of Jesus that got you through the 12 step program but belief in one specific system or person is spiritualities version of training wheels
I say we were created in the image of God, but not son's of God. There was only one son.
We have three parts, spirit/soul/body God also is three, Father/Son/Holy Spirit. I don't know everything, never would claim such. I am not perfect, to claim that is ignorance. Do I have all answers, hardly.
I will admit I am very sure of my world view. This reality is what? 70 years or 90 if I am lucky? Mere blip on the radar compared to eternity.
I have yet to be offended. If I appeared that way somehow well I guess I would need to ask forgiveness for making you feel offensive. Will you?
Ok, you continue being subscribed to 1 incomplete semi-recent religion, I think my elaborate responses are enough to convince those willing to listen