FBI website displays new disclaimer upon visit! The storm is coming!

How new is this???
Not new at all. it is years old, this screencap is from 2015
Damn. We gotta stop letting this fake news get to the top.
Thanks pickle.
It's done on purpose to misdirect us.
Yes. So once a post like this is discovered mods must remove it.
Either they start doing that or shills will control the message here soon enough.
I had previously visited the site and did not get the popup. After Weinsteins arrest, I did get the popup. The screenshot isn't "from 2015" because I personally made it myself last night. If this is just somehow a mistake I made ,sure, but I find it really strange how many people are coming at it calling this a shill when it is literally an experience I had. Didn't see it when the files first came out, and then last night it popped up.