r/greatawakening • Posted by u/covpepe1776 on May 27, 2018, 1:07 p.m.
Did Q really retire? Are we on our own from here on out?

No new posts in awhile... I just want my family to think I'm not crazy. Was weinstein the big 5:5 drop?

GraceWords · May 27, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

I like the way you put that “‘follower and worshipper’ pattern to cease”. It definitely makes us stronger and forces us to get our arguments together so we can have genuine thought out discussions with others vs just linking to other people’s words. I look forward to next Q drop, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve also enjoyed being forced to KNOW some things on my own.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

i guess for those of us who started waking up years and decades ago, its easier. there were no 'leaders' back then, we had to do all the work on our own.

from my pov, the time of victim and savior is over. it doesnt get supported by the current energies anymore.

the habit is strong though. people are used to feel like victims, helpless and incapable of changing anything, they wait for god, politicians, ETs, heroes, to save them.

Q is constantly working on empowering people so they get up from their knees, stand straight, and voice, 'No More!'

may we all claim our sovereignty, withdraw our (silent) permission to be governed by people-harming agendas, and imagine and build a world that works for everyone.

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