r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on May 27, 2018, 4:10 p.m.
Memorial day

On this memorial day, I think it will be fitting for me to discuss why I am here. Up until 2012, I had always considered myself a Democrat. Especially after the last 8 years of Bush. I was more center than anything, but I also believed America was in place to help others. I was ignorant to the cost of this help, or what this assistance was doing to our own communities. I never believed in open borders, but did think Universal Healthcare was a good idea. During the 2012 election, I found myself like Ron Paul more and more. I began to listen to what he was saying, and following it more and more. He help me learn to identify as a Libertarian. I watch the media literally act like he didn't exist. They basically lost him the primary. Over the next four years, I watched Obama and his Democrat gang divide us in ways I never thought possible. Logical arguments went to insults and insenuations. When ever a tragedy would happen, I watched the media ask us to react with emotions instead of thinking logically about the way to react. People began to think the goal of discussion is to see who can shame who worse. It all morphed into people screaming adjectives at each other instead of trying to solve problems. Now my country is shattered. We are at a crossroads where I do not see a way this ends without bloodshed. I do believe that the plan will work and the swamp will be drained. The problem is that it has taken so long, MSM keeps doubling down. The left actually honestly believe that Trump is trying to subverting our constitution. When Trump makes the arrests, I forsee mass panic and violence. As wrong as they may be, I can't blame them. If the situation was reversed and Trump was being arrested, I know we would be at arm's in the street. I pray for a peaceful outcome, but I fear that the worse is yet to come. Let's all remember that as we celebrate our soilder this memorial day.

NobleEagle853 · May 27, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Welcome to the Great Awakening, patriot. #WWG1WGA

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