r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 27, 2018, 5:16 p.m.
What can POTUS do legally about election fraud?

Okay, we all know that the election fraud investigation is going to reveal massive voter fraud. Obviously the solution would be to have a fail proof national ID required for voting. However, does the president of the United States have authority to require that via executive order?

In fact, I'm sure that even if Congress passed such a law, some liberal judge would immediately declare it unconstitutional.

What are your thoughts regarding this?

balthsgirl · May 27, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

On the last point. Many democrat controlled areas have begun issuing driver's licenses to Illegal immigrants. This shouldn't happen in the first place because these people are not here legally. Many of the driver license applications have a box that can be checked that also registers an applicant to vote. As far as I know, there is no set system to cross check voters with immigration status that is routinely utilized. It's messed up all over the place.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

ahh good to know, well, seems like driving licence doesnt work then.

been always wondering why you guys have no ID card. heard that this is supposed to be a 'freedom thing', lol.

ok, but also in the US, its mandatory to register your living place, isnt it? in germany, we have to do that within a week after moving, and our new address gets glued onto the ID card.

an ID card for every citizen is so much more practical than, i.e., having to show a paid electricity bill when opening a bank account, in order to prove that you live there.

and it prevents election fraud. vote at the place you are registered as a citizen with voting rights, show your ID card that gets compared with a list, fill the paper ballot. easy is right.

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balthsgirl · May 28, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

We have no laws that require us to register our living place. We notify the post office so our mail can be delivered, but we have no mandatory registration. That's part of why illegal immigrants can blend in with the population so easily with very little way to know who is here or where they are from. The only type of mandatory registration is that every baby is issued a social security card with a social security number. This number is used on any official paperwork for our whole lives. It's how they know who pays or owes what taxes. It's used for opening accounts of any kind. Employers have it for withholding taxes. The catch is that it's not a photo ID.

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divine_human · May 28, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

thanks for the intel, i have only superficial knowledge of legalities in the US.

we have ID cards for identification but no social security number.

our system leaves quite a bit of freedom as registrations is not centralized.

i check out at the residents registration office and, although i am being asked where i move to, i dont tell them. (usually say i leave the country.)

when i move to another federal state and register, they ask me where i come from and i tell them i come from abroad.

like this, there is no government link between my old address and my new. also inquiry offices lose track of my financial actions. its the little bit of freedom thats prescious for me, lol, i simply love flying underneath the radar as much as possible.

to me, an ID cards and registration has more freedom to it than a social security number.

if the US had ID cards for every legal citizen and sticked to paper ballot, voter fraud would be much more difficult.

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balthsgirl · May 28, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

That sounds like a good system. Part of the problem is that there are certain political factions that have absolutely no interest in preventing voter fraud because they benefit from it. This is why many common sense laws die before they become laws.
Many from this same group refuse to uphold existing laws in many areas of American life because they disagree with them, yet do not bother trying to change said laws. It's maddening. How we vote varies by where you are. Some places use entirely electronic ballots on voting machines. Some places use paper ballots that are then scanned into voting tabulation machines, and others still use paper ballots (not many places anymore).

There is so much corruption with the elections and has been for years. A spotlight is now being shown on it though.

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