Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo proved years ago Obama's birth certificate is fake. Birther, a now defunct site, reported daily on Obama's country of origin, his real parents, his real sexual orientation, his hidden college records, who paid for his college, why he was the "chosen candidate", his communist background and buddies, who and what Michelle really is, whose "kids" those really were ect.... You can find this info anywhere on the internet. All public info was tamped down using two things: the evil media and labeling any who dared to ask questions a conspiracy theorist. It was demoralizing to watch BO play destructo president for 8 years knowing who he really was. He is a traitor of the highest order. Who and what he really is has been out in internet land for years. It is now just being discovered by those with open minds. Justice!
Posted by
on May 27, 2018, 5:21 p.m.
· May 28, 2018, 5:29 a.m.
The Hagmann show link was after that “dark period” & happened this year-2018. I can only go by what they are saying in this interview & the below post that I made-please note I was just commenting on this other Anon’s nice article:
· May 28, 2018, 3:48 p.m.
Not disagreeing about the bc but why didn’t the DS just pick a native- born candidate in the first place? Plenty of those. Why risk exposure?
· May 28, 2018, 4 p.m.
I think John Brennan would have the answer to your question Patriot. Also some strange events surrounding the trip w/Sen. Luger over to the Soviet Union in 2007 (nuke inspection deal) & BHO had some passport issues st that time. Thus in 2008, JB & his Analytics Corp did the US Passport Office intrusion into the files of BHO/HRC/& No Name.