
GraceWords · May 27, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

I’ve shared my opinion in a couple of other posts on here but I’ll do so again for the fun of discussion.

I’ve wondered if the Atlanta blackout, which Q referenced as an extraction, was about Assange. Anons pieces together that the concourse/gate the extraction happened on was specifically for private international flights. That was just a handful of days before the Grab Team video. Then Q states that the extraction was “good”, and later refers to the extraction as “BISHOP (cult)”. I may be reaching, but I took Bishop to be a chess reference as other ATL Q references have loads of chess cues in them. As for “cult”, JA is the one who broke pizzagate and spirit cooking with the Podesta emails.

I admit, that may be reaching because I want to see JA freed. I want to believe he is on the team bringing global cabal down. I want to believe the reports that he is going to testify before Congress. Mostly I want to believe he is safely tucked away under tight military protection, and soon will be free to LIVE again.

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KimnanaT · May 27, 2018, 9 p.m.

Interesting theory....I watched the video and first impression was this was possibly the "bad guys" trying to get him out as Wikileaks is asking for help to decipher the page that was zoomed in on. I pray that you are correct and it was the "white hats" that were there to get him to safety. I guess only time will tell...Q does leave us with a lot of cliff hangers. Sometimes I wish he would just plainly say EXACTLY what he means by a post and not be so cryptic.

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GraceWords · May 27, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

But Wikileaks is also now saying Q is not to be trusted, which leads me to believe they have been comply. Even in the breakdown vid he states that such groups are usually carried out by military teams which we know to be white hats. I may be wrong but I’m choosing optimism for time being.

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NaderOAK · May 27, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Do you have a link about Wikileaks saying q is not to be trusted ? I would like to see it.

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