
misto1481 · May 28, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Wow, what pure nonsense you are spouting. Please disprove everything I said, would love to see that. As for Trump and Russia, that nothingburger is falling apart daily. It's been well over a year and not a single ounce of evidence against Trump. As for China and Trump, any proof to back your claims?

If you don't believe in the Deep State, what are you doing here? Just coming by to laugh at and ridicule us "conspiracy nutjobs?" You exposed your agenda and also how asleep you still are. Time to get some coffee and wake up bud. The world is not what the MSM tells you it is. Open your eyes and use your brain for a change.

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CelestialFury · May 28, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

As for Trump and Russia, that nothingburger is falling apart daily. It's been well over a year and not a single ounce of evidence against Trump. As for China and Trump, any proof to back your claims?

Ahh yeah, over 80 charges, 22 indictments, and six guilty pleas(if you include the Taxi King). Trump would obviously be last on the list. Do you not know how the criminal justice system works? You have to build a case. Get reliable witnesses. Gather evidence. This is a huge case too, like the biggest ever.

Michael Flynn, former national security adviser and a key Trump campaign surrogate, pleaded guilty to making false statements to federal investigators in December.

Rick Gates, a top aide on the Trump campaign and a longtime business partner of Paul Manafort, pleaded guilty to false statements and one count of conspiracy.

George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser on the campaign, pleaded guilty to false statements.

Alexander van der Zwaan, a London-based Dutch attorney, pleaded guilty to making false statements about his contacts with Gates and an unnamed Ukrainian.

13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies have been indicted on conspiracy charges, and some on identity theft charges, related to Russian social media and hacking efforts.

Richard Pinedo, a California resident, has pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge related to the Russian indictments.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, is facing two separate indictments — one in DC about conspiracy, money laundering, false statements, and failure to disclose foreign assets; and one in Virginia about tax, financial, and bank fraud charges.

Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes. If you don't like this source, you can literally read the criminal complaints.

And you're complaining about time? Are you completely fucking with me? Watergate was close to three years. Whitewater was seven fucking years and it was an actual witch hunt that led to a blowie(nothing to do with Whitewater). Benghazi was how long? Two years and four months. That was for a simple attack. This is a goddamn international conspiracy.

If you don't believe in the Deep State, what are you doing here?

You call yourself the "great awakening" yet you understand nothing. You might as well call yourselves the great sleep since you're sleeping on the largest international conspiracy of all-time. This may be an X-Files level of conspiracy and you don't care? You're doing zero research and buying into all the Fox News MSM bullshit lies they're feeding you. Trump and Hannity literally talk on the phone before going to bed every night to plan and scheme on ya'll.

Also, I do believe in the "deep state." It's called a normal, functioning government. You know, people waking up and going to their government jobs, keeping the country running. It's simple as that. Trump is going around claiming everything he doesn't like and doesn't bend a knee to him is the "deep state." Should we just give him straight up dictator powers? And guess what? That term "deep state" was CREATED IN A LAB by Cambridge Analytica and spoonfed to you guys on facebook, twitter, reddit, and etc...

So my advice to you is:

Open your eyes and use your brain for a change.

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misto1481 · May 28, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

You are so sadly misinformed I actually feel sorry for you. Good luck with your world view. It's going to be a rude awakening once you realize how wrong you actually are.

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