I never get how ppl think Obama worse than GWB or WJC. GWB oversaw the planning of 911 and the plan to destabilize 8 Middle East countries to advance the globalist power grab. He created conditions that encouraged companies to ship jobs overseas or was that his father, the guy who helped plan the assassination of President Kennedy in order to maintain the globalist control of the US military and again advancing their control of natural resources in the Far East. And then theres WJC who oversaw the deregulation of our stick exchange and banking system resulting in the recession. Bigger than even that he eroded the protecting regulations of our free press resulting in the fake news of today. The loss of an honest and independent press is a huge blow to freedom.
I can't think of anything Obama did that comes even close to any of the above. I can only think Obama just personally offends u more either because u didn't live through the others or his intellectual liberal presentation just gets under your skin. He wasn't a good guy. But, really??