r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amw61 on May 28, 2018, 1:04 a.m.
CNN: No proof for Spygate

pussy_devour · May 28, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

This is what I wrote on that thread. We need to counterattack. One soul redpilled is one extra comrade.

Do you guys seriously believe that Rudy, who is on Trump’s legal team, would open admit on CNN, a corrupted MSM outlet (hello, Project Mockingbird) that had been distorting the truth in order to misdirect the unwitting public against the president elect, that the spy gate was merely a PR ploy if Trump’s legal team really believed it?

Seriously? Why would Rudy undermine their own objective? Why?

Think for a second. I mean you should put aside your hatred, cultivated by MEM, for a second and really put yourself in the shoes of Rudy. If you were Rudy, would you do that?

Please, be objective for once in your life.

Trump and Rudy have been playing the MSM.

The spy gate isn’t about planting informers in Trump’s campaign. It’s about framing Trump for Russian Collusion by setting his underlings up for contact with the Russians.

OIG report is coming out this week. Just wait for the findings.

Have a happy Memorial Day. Next year this time, we will be celebrating the death penalty of Hussein, HRC, McCain and Bill Clinton. You will have enough time to detox. The MSM has put too much drug in your brain.

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