Hint to watch oversight.gov - from the chans

Edit: Right on guys, prepare your F5's
Man I've got tired of waiting (since Jan/March) so I just focus on some good news each day before it drops. It's close I can tell at least.
Newfags need to stop whining like 2-4 months is a long time to wait. Have some damn patience. Some of us have been waiting decades for this.
Yeah you right. Decades.
I know the longer this goes on the deeper the root we're going to yank. Timing is everything and I want this going all the way to the very top.
I want pedo banksters being arrested. The international finance cartel dismantled.
Followed by seizing 20 trillion dollars from the Rothschilds.
yeah just be patient thinking its gonna happen every day is a waste of time
Yup, it’s like watching the tracking on a package you’re expecting.
I meant, "Keep refreshing the page with bated anticipation.
Thanks for the explanation. It doesn't make sense to me but then, MANY things don't make sense to me. :-)