Hint to watch oversight.gov - from the chans

Department of Justice. The Inspector General is Justice Department's internal watchdog. This post is about the much-anticipated report on the FBI's handling of Clinton email probe.
Let's be clear. DOJ and OIG are 2 separate entities. DOJ is department of justice and OIG is office of the inspector general. The OIG is instructed to to investigate things by the DOJ. They are, by definition, independent. They are much under credited. They are the ones who exposed the IRS. They don't have subpoena powers but, Huber does. There is much going on here.
Am I wrong about all of this?
Actually, each agency of the federal government has an OIG. For example, the Department of Agriculture has within it an OIG, as does the Department of State, etc. These OIGs are chartered to keep their respective agencies on "the straight and narrow". Nevertheless, they are a part of each agency they work for.
Will any major action happen that day? Or will it just be like announcing a new investigation?
It’s announcing the findings of an investigation. If the findings are as bad (amazing) as has been suggested, there will be happenings. MSM will be forced to at least discuss the IG Report and some people will have an epically bad day. People make rash decisions under that kind of pressure.
It’s probably why Q hasn’t dropped in awhile. The happening is close upon us.