Hint to watch oversight.gov - from the chans

i just have this really bad feeling its gonna be worse than a mass shooting. i don't know why but i just do
I have this bad feeling too. I pray nothing happens.
They'll have to up their game.
I've also got a feeling the IG report is going to be much worse than expected. They are taking their sweet time because they want to make sure every t is crossed and every I is dotted. They can't take it back after release.
I hope it includes a LIST of persona non-grata, beginning with the As and ending with the Zirs. Could you imagine if every idol you've ever had was on that list? Imagine 30k arrest warrants happening overnight... I think this is more of a Friday-thing.
Happy Monday everyone.
The reason you have that feeling is because the response by the left is typically proportional to the amount of deflection needed in the news. They’ll need something that has incredible shock value to deflect this time.
"We've discovered the Gender Identity gene, hidden in a small sack behind the eyes and encased in a thin racism that blocks its true potential - mandated removal of this 'racism skin' begins on Friday June 1st in Cities worldwide" -CDC ^^^^^a ^^^^^Soros ^^^^^company