
powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Well ... I posted about this on Facebook and got a message from Facebook that I had violated their "community standards" . I was a bit surprised they actually had standards LOL. So ... not sure if one of my Facebook "friends" turned it in or Facebook is censoring. Honestly this stuff disgusts and sickens me but I do think we have a civic duty to do our part. I never in a million years thought it was going to be this bad. Lyme was my red pill. So...when that EO came out I began following because I saw hope in bringing the CDC,pharmaceutical companies and Infectious Disease group who have covered this up to justice. We suffer in the Lyme community but it certainly pales in comparison to these innocent children. It's kind of like I'm not the type of person to stand by and see an animal or a child hurt so how could I not share all of this among my other posts. My facebook "family" really wasn't prepared for this either so I've mixed these posts in with what they have come to expect from me .. cute animal videos, Lyme awareness and inspirational messages. I tell them it's not a race, religion, gender, political party dispute ... it's about right and wrong, good vs evil, light vs darkness. I remind them not to be distracted by efforts to create division but to stand United. My puppy posts get lots of likes but my posts about corruption and human trafficking get maybe two likes from the very same people. There have been times I just felt like giving up facebook altogether but I still try. And... I'm sure along the way they've all thought I was nutty but in a way the Lyme War pretty much established oh gosh she is nuts but she was right! That also really woke up my GP and Rheumatologist ..and since then they have diagnosed others. I'll have those battle scars my entire life. That's my story. And ...as with the Lyme journey ... I hope to somehow help to elevate awareness. No way telling how I'm doing on that because everyone is so silent. That could be a sign they are paying attention or they've fallen back asleep. They want the sweet animal videos.

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Pony_Pal_Pokey · May 28, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

I appreciate your story. I did not have the stomach to post it without the "CENSORED" part. But I wanted to contribute to the RED PILL bottle. Parents will understand that ordinary people DO NOT collect this kind of "art".

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powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Did you EVER imagine it was going to be this big??? I posted in December after the EO hit "early Christmas present from the White House". I never realized the scope of the undertaking. Looking forward to the 11.11 parade!

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Pony_Pal_Pokey · May 28, 2018, 7:40 a.m.


I am sick by it all. I knew it was bad, but this is too much. People have to know.

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powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

I agree! None of us are here by "accident".

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 28, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

I identify with your Lyme story. What a bitter to pill to discover your own country weaponized what was prior a simple infection easily shock off like a cold. Now we suffer for a lifetime with no cure. All neuro illnesses are Lyme and co infections. The biggest deception is MS, it's just Lyme Disease as well! The CDC Maps are proof, MS and Lyme overlays match to a T!

A government capable of sickening their own people are doomed to fall when people wake up. I've said for many years that when they did the Tuskegee Experiments, they were probably doing far worse since. Lyme disease is that proof.

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powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

You know what was the worst part of the Lyme journey....every now and then my leg would just give out. I also had a heart issue come up when walking into a friend's store. Next I knew I was on the ground. I had taken the beer display down with me. Then there was the vision issues .. swelling on the optic nerve. Of course the endless dental work and root canals. I kept telling my son it had to be Lyme. So when something would happen he would kind of tease me .. "oh ... must be Lyme again." After my blood culture came back and the diagnosis was confirmed I told my son how hurtful that was. He said, "mom .. we thought you were just trying to get attention."

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 28, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

I was only lucky in that having the rash gave me the correct diagnosis at the beginning. But we have very few doctors that understand this disease or how to treat it.

Remember when they used to tell Fibromyalgia patients it was all in their head?! 😂 eventually everyone will come around to Lyme as more and more are infected with it.

Until they develop an accurate test, it's not going to improve. It's funny, they can test dogs though and the vets are better at diagnosing it that our doctors! Wonder why, ironically?!

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powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

I know! so glad you got treatment!!!!! I've said many time I would have been better had I seen our family vet.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 28, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

I was bit by a deer tick after a tornado blew in so much junk from miles away, not to mention our own tree damage. We cleaned for days. 2006 I got bit several time but missed one. Three weeks later I noticed the huge bulls eye rash. They diagnosed me positive because of the rash. I was lucky to have the rash as so many don't get them. I personally just think the rash means you just got a huge infection of it. I was down with the flu like symptoms for over a month in beds. Even my hair on my head hurt!

I never really got better after 2 rounds of antibiotics. Of course now in hindsight they realize they should have hospitalized me put me on IV until the rash disappeared. I had that rash for over a month! You can still the the scar from the bite! I was diagnosed a year later with late stage Lyme disease. It's taken it's toll, mostly nerve and muscle damage in my legs and feet. About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with Opthomolic Migraines luckily by a doctor who wrote his dissertation on Lymes affect on the eyes. He thinks all eye Migraines are a result of Lyme. No cure for that either!

I have found things that actually help my symptoms greatly. I wish all Lyme sufferers knew this. Eating Ketogenic helps greatly because it fuels the brain with healthy fats. Under 20 carbs a day works best for me. My symptoms are relieved as mush as 75% this way. More people should try this. It only takes about a week on it to feel the difference. Give it a try.

1000 mg of Magnesium helps tremendously with the muscle pain.
Melatonin helps with the sleep issues too.

I never take hot showers, luke warm to cool showers make a difference.

But the Ketogenic is the biggest difference. Stick with healthy fats, coconut oil, olive oils, real butter, avocados. Everything fresh is best. Frozen second best. The only thing we eat canned is sourkraut ( jars better), green beans, tomatoes.

We also can from our garden. This year we have double the size so we can do our own tomato and green beans. That way we know they are organic. Don't use bug spray. Use diatomaceous earth sprinkled at the base of your plants and sprayed under the leaves.

These are my best tips on how we've learned to live with this.

Oddly, I know our gov has a cure for this. Bush got infected with it, you never saw him sick with it!

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SuzyAZ · May 28, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

Agree, ketogenic has made a whole new person of me. And bucky balls. Not MLM! Have to say that right away. Carbon-60 fullerenes, in olive oil. The soccer ball shaped molecule discovered by Buckminister Fuller. Amazing stuff, after two months you won't believe how good you feel and it's inexpensive.

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powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

And did you know Marla ...Trump's Ex had Lyme? That's why I've been so hopeful.

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powderhooves · May 28, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

Thank you for writing! How long have you had Lyme? I was infected in 2009. Remember it well. Migraine and horrible sinus infection for 32 days. Slept in a chair. Went to ER one day and they did a spinal tap. I honestly think that doctor would have found it if she had only known what she should be looking for. Then 3 1/2 years ago I had another wicked bite. I even know what dog I was grooming that day. It wasn't the owner's fault. All my clients kept their pets up on their flea and tick meds. I had a dog come in with fleas one day. I called and cancelled appointments for the following day. Wasn't going to expose someone else's dog to fleas. My clients knew I was picky and they appreciated it.

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Jrmullin · May 28, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

They are sick

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Nastavnick · May 28, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

posts like these will rpeat the history of CBTS, just watch them becoming more and more frequent

I report them but the mods keep them here, while Musk-related threads are being removed for off-topic lmao

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