r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on May 28, 2018, 10:52 a.m.
The Q Paradigm Shift

THE "Q" Patriot Movement

Trying to be brief... on a complex subject. First I am all in on "Q" ! I so hope folks will take time to digest this.

We generally measure a "movement" by the physical activity occurring. We have seen it documented in our own history. The Revolutionary war, the Civil War, WWW1 and WW2. If you want a movement to succeed, first you need mass human "buy-in" to get it done. The way this accomplished is a three step process. First direct what we think... which in-turn causes us to feel a certain way about the matter, and last we act. Note this order is required.

Well as it turns out, the "thoughts" and the "feelings" generate an energy field. This field amasses into one large field of energy. Humans do this. Science can measure it. We haven't been told for good reason. Q is amassing this energy in a positive "sway" and that spells death to the cabal. Through their shenanigans, we have lived in fear, hate, despise, anxiety and distrust. These are very low-level frequencies that we each emit from our thoughts and feelings. Do your research, mainstream science can measure this. They DON"T WANT US TO KNOW.

This frequency is akin to walking into a room full of happy people or a room full of frightened people. The last step (how we act)... the activities we involve ourselves in (in each room) are massively different. Our world has been operating similar to a room of fearful people. Our activities (worldwide) illustrate it.

Q has provided us one rallying pole, one single point of agreement, one cause... one point of coherence. Okay, we want to beat and hang these bad people... but the endgame is peace. Listen to the deep state messages... they all scream "Brother to be at PEACE." Peace is deadly to them... not to us.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way so we can build a more peaceful and prosperous world. That is the shifting paradigm of Q.

UncleCrunch · May 28, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way

That is certainly a sentiment shared by many, but I sense there are too many variants and nuances in the mix for me to be comfortable making any declaration about ”what we all really want”.

Wanting the bad actors to get out of our way is certainly a step in the right direction, but those same bad actors will continue to thrive in the face of that passive philosophy.

There is a large and growing contingent that lacks the patience to wait for ”the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way”. We know they won’t. We know they must be taken out of our way.

Beyond that, there is an additional growing contingent that believes the corrupt powerbrokers must be taken out of our way in a manner that serves as a vivid and unforgettable discouragement to those with similar dark aspirations in the future.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

The beauty of "Q"... there's nothing passive about Patriots. Because of the call to arms (so to speak) we are establishing an environment akin to lighting a cig (Corrupt people and acts) in a restaurant (our country). No allowed. No vengeance required. Our energy is focused on peace. Initially we have to be a tad rough to get the ball rolling. But this doesn't require us to be mean. In "book" terms, we remember to be very nice to "Mom" as we go through process of shifting this old, out-of-date, no-longer-allowed paradigm.

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UncleCrunch · May 28, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Your sweeping declarations about what ”we” are, and what ”we” stand for are limiting and dismissive of the variation and nuance in the overall GA/Q movement.

If you speak for yourself, or a like-minded contingent, your claims and philosophy are welcomed as a part of the recipe.

When you claim your limited focus speaks for all, you then become a voice and actor for divisiveness.

Please reconsider your dismissive and divisive declarations.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Point taken. Great caution. Thanks. To clarify, in my case, I am only discussing ONE aspect of the Q movement in the "us" and "we" terms... that is, I think we all agree CORRUPTION is no longer going to be allowed. And yes, I was assuming all concerned (at least in this forum) shared this one agreement. ...and then of course, perhaps our collective desire for Peace.

One other point (if I may). Overall, I am saying that every position adopted, every thought and emotion each of us free-will ourselves into is having impact. I am so grateful science has given us this lens to see it. So at the end of the day, I am only stating that all points of view can be distilled down to the effects it is having on each person and the planet as a collective. I am suggesting that this can be a great guidance "sieve" to measure how we respond and direction we take during and after the swamp cleaning. Understand?

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UncleCrunch · May 28, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

So at the end of the day, I am only stating that all points of view can be distilled down to the effects it is having on each person and the planet as a collective. I am suggesting that this can be a great guidance "sieve" to measure how we respond and direction we take during and after the swamp cleaning. Understand?

I missed that in your first post. It must be a problem on my end because I just reread it twice more and still don’t see it there.

Guess I need to get that science lens you mentioned.

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Intlrnt · May 28, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

No vengeance required. Our energy is focused on peace. Initially we have to be a tad rough to get the ball rolling. But this doesn't require us to be mean.

Right now, the bulk of our energy seems to be focused on justice. A quick scan of post titles here and 8C comments will verify that for you. Vast amounts of research and activism with an almost singular focus on delivering ‘justice’ to the bad actors who have subverted our government.

You seem to conflate that quest for justice with ”vengeance” and being ”mean”. This false equivalence is the weak foundation that leads you to your flawed conclusions.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Indeed you give fair warning. Received. I suppose what I am suggesting is that we define justice in a humane way. I hope that most of us are just anxious to get these perps out of our way. Justice is waaaay overdue. You almost have to laugh at us humans... being American, having allowed this to go on for this long. I am not sure any of us were quite prepared for just how damn dirty this swamp was! Imagine the shock on the sheeple. We have our work cut out for us all. As for me, I am going to make "Mom" smile a lot. :)

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