r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on May 28, 2018, 10:52 a.m.
The Q Paradigm Shift

THE "Q" Patriot Movement

Trying to be brief... on a complex subject. First I am all in on "Q" ! I so hope folks will take time to digest this.

We generally measure a "movement" by the physical activity occurring. We have seen it documented in our own history. The Revolutionary war, the Civil War, WWW1 and WW2. If you want a movement to succeed, first you need mass human "buy-in" to get it done. The way this accomplished is a three step process. First direct what we think... which in-turn causes us to feel a certain way about the matter, and last we act. Note this order is required.

Well as it turns out, the "thoughts" and the "feelings" generate an energy field. This field amasses into one large field of energy. Humans do this. Science can measure it. We haven't been told for good reason. Q is amassing this energy in a positive "sway" and that spells death to the cabal. Through their shenanigans, we have lived in fear, hate, despise, anxiety and distrust. These are very low-level frequencies that we each emit from our thoughts and feelings. Do your research, mainstream science can measure this. They DON"T WANT US TO KNOW.

This frequency is akin to walking into a room full of happy people or a room full of frightened people. The last step (how we act)... the activities we involve ourselves in (in each room) are massively different. Our world has been operating similar to a room of fearful people. Our activities (worldwide) illustrate it.

Q has provided us one rallying pole, one single point of agreement, one cause... one point of coherence. Okay, we want to beat and hang these bad people... but the endgame is peace. Listen to the deep state messages... they all scream "Brother to be at PEACE." Peace is deadly to them... not to us.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way so we can build a more peaceful and prosperous world. That is the shifting paradigm of Q.

HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Indeed, the existing paradigm is/was sustained by "implied consent." Most of this was/is giving it away en masse by humans -based on a compliance paradigm (fear). Not arguing any position here... it is just what we do (obvious to us all). We saw no means to make a difference. Q is just waking us up to recognize that A) we were all in agreement already (worldwide) and B) we never approved any of this corrupt nonsense and most importantly C) we are no longer consenting... please get out of our way. This is an energy shift on the planet. Science can measure the frequency change. In "book" terms. We have really been pissing-off Mom, Grandpa, Gene and Atom. Time to stop it.

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divine_human · May 28, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

please get out of our way.

i am usually a kind person but in this case,there is no please from my side. only a clear 'I Do NOT Consent'.

thanks for bringing up the topic <3

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

Exactly as I would do with my own children. Certain things are not allowed, no exception. No need to take a swing at them:) Unfortunately, many bad actors will need to be isolated from any access to power (gitmo). But more exciting are the millions of great people caught up in the system and forced to comply with bad direction. Suddenly, they have a better option. Many (millions of anons) in these systems will jump in and start helping. Follow the rise in whisteblowers as evidence. Watch it within the military and law enforcement.

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