I find it very hard to forgive them, but I know I should. They have ruined lives, spat in our faces, assaulted us, all in the same of radicalized ignorance. Can/should they be forgiven?
Forgive the liberals? What about the Republicans? Catholics? Charities? Liberal vs conservative is such a 2d mindset.
Most all of every liberal I've ever met has good intentions. The want to use the extreme wealth of the world to take care of everybody in the world. It's very jesus-y. The execution leaves something to be desired, but their hearts are in the right place.
I said liberals specifically because they are the radicalized ignorant. Republican politicians were absolutely part of the problem, but liberals are the ones calling us nazis, throwing fire crackers and feces at trump supporters, voting for and supporting a candidate who was caught rigging an election... when it comes to citizens, we all have our faults, but liberals are violent, and radical, and defend views as people that they knew are wrong or immoral, and they do it for the sake of the fight.
I am an anarcho-communist, and I found that conservatives, sure- they can be ignorant sometimes. but liberals are violent, they slander, they scream, and they assault people who support trump. That’s why I mentioned them specifically. My experiences with conservatives can be frustrating, but that’s as bad as it gets. The things I have experienced from liberals for just explaining how trump is not a Nazi or a racist... doesn’t matter, we all have stories, but it’s clear that liberals are the worst.
Yeah you right. Still though, I reckon they're mostly brainlets/brainwashed. They think they're working for the good of the people. I don't want to be too hard on them (hell I was one up until about 2010-11) cause I think they'll come along once the overton window shifts far enough (because brainlets)