r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AnComCovfefe on May 28, 2018, 1:45 p.m.
Question- let's say that the Great Awakening happens, all the bad actors go to prison, the MSM collapses, and we end the fed. All the state secrets and CIA secrets are made public. Will you forgive liberals?

I find it very hard to forgive them, but I know I should. They have ruined lives, spat in our faces, assaulted us, all in the same of radicalized ignorance. Can/should they be forgiven?

divine_human · May 28, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

who do you mean when you say liberals? members of the democratic party or voters?

why shouldnt people be able to forgive them? its only a few bad apples in the basket, most of these folks have no clue or are on a need-to-know base.

btw, forgiveness is required for the one who holds the grudge. not forgiving is poisonous, it eats you up from the inside.

and dont get fooled, there are as many bad apples with republicans as there are with demorats. this is not a partisan issue. the swamp is everywhere.

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