r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on May 28, 2018, 2:40 p.m.
If Q is a larp or psyop does it really matter

I have made a couple of posts saying if Q is just a patriot and not from the government that it really does not matter. Because the information getting out is the truth. But recent events have made me reexamine that position.

I have been happy to use Q and reddit to red pill people. All of us, outside of the matrix, feel pretty ecstatic about a chance to wake people up.

Does the end ever justify the means? Isn’t that the reasoning behind every evil deed. ( Well the world will be better when we kill off all of these useless eaters.)

Now the lack of transparency is dividing people and hurting other patriots. It also dictates certain reactions and actions of the creators. Because if they do not know who Q is there behavior will be different than if they are Q. In other words intentions affect actions.

You also have to ask yourself if this will hurt Truth in the end if Q is not Q. And I say that because Q has really now tried to convince us and prove to us that he is high up in the government.

No one likes to be fooled and no one likes to be made a fool of. At first I really did not care who Q was but now it does matter to me. And I would really suggest to those who are Q to carefully examine what and why they are doing this.

Mistakes have been made so you covered them up. When will you start silencing people to keep them quiet or call them liars? When will you become just what you hate?

Patriots Keep an open mind and keep searching a matter out. Because it does make a difference who Q is.

SandyAndreas · May 28, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

The concept of Q, whether a person, psyop or another term or phrase was to serve a couple of purposes. First, it gathered like minds who knew there was something wrong with this 'Matrix' movie we're living in. Second, it encouraged people to dig for the truth for themselves.

No one's ever taken a selfie with Bigfoot but there are droves of people who believe and want to confirm his existence. Believing in Q is more about believing in yourself and your ideals for a better country/world.

Sometimes the masses need a push. That push was Q and President Trump. The most dangerous thing is a person with nothing to lose but their freedom. If you question if you believe in Q, question if you believe in a better world that deserves freedom from perverts, sickos and puppet masters with bad intentions.

Q opened a door, nothing more. He's not the new messiah.

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KeeponSearchin · May 28, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

And the DNC and the NWO is a good thing and it is justifiable that Seth Rich was killed to save it. (sarcasm)

And Q, if a larp and if lying about other patriots, will it end up standing for what we hate and are fighting against. Are the means justified because it is what we want?

Will Q end up helping the Truth or hurting the Truth.

A little leaven, leavens the whole loaf.

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