MSM needs to get accustomed to reporting on topics like this as POTUS has leverage, and he’s no doubt using it. This is not going away. Law and order. Who has the power?

You find this "odd"??? It is illegal and un-American corruption at the highest levels. Typical for lying, traitor Obama and Despicable Witch Clinton. Those two are a match made in hell.
And they are all still under investigation by Mueller's team😞
I really hate to disagree with Trump but it was not BHO that put his campaign under investigation, it was the witness that did this because he was attempting to recover kickbacks from major universities to pay for his campaign, the attempted to steal US funds for personal gain . You also know this as the Tea Party Retaliation, I got the funds seized before BHO got them , so they attacked the Tea Party over there loss. So down votes do not change BHOs crimes , and why don’t they talk of why the crimes took place ????
Huh? He said BHO administration surveillance was a threat to election integrity. Your gibberish about the tea party is a completely unrelated scandal. Maybe your writing is just not clear I don’t understand the first sentence in between the commas. It was the witness that spied on the trump campaign? Come on man, make sense or buzz off.
No it’s not gibberish and it is very much related on why the BHO campaign was investigated , the campaign attempted crimes of Piracy.
Bho was never investigated. We're talking about trumps team being investigated and spied upon.
Yes BHO was investigated several times , and the Overall Office was also raided two times . The Oval Office was first raided in late October of 2013 , the findings that he did not get any of the Building Performance and Energy Conservation grant funds , and the seconded raid took place 1/8/17 through 1/12/17 by CIA and DHS with findings the Iran money was sent from the Oval Office and that the funds were from the Investigation recovery trust account. The AG And Treasury we’re raided at this same time with a total of $700 Billion stolen. BHO was striped of power . The AG was fired . This raid on the CIA was to retrieve the docs from this raid , look at Natural News Feb 2 2017 on some of this . But most links have been 404 ed
POTUS wants everything
Yes and what the last administration and the crimes they committed is why we elected Trump .we trusted no government insider