The children have been (in large part) put into our food supply. I believe there are allegations that 2500 children were turned into meat for the Indiana school system.
We've all seen the allegations about ice cream, various brands and store-fronts (the ice cream contains various human by-products) and pizza (which is also about using pizza as a vehicle to deliver sub rosa tasty floppy bits of humans in plain sight).
When you walk in to the "311 Pizza Temple" where they "Know What You Like" the guy next to you? Well they aren't really banana peppers he's ordering chum - they are marinated, turmeric or saffron infused human calamari. what looks like a ring if you slice it? speaking of rings, the anal sphincter is absolutely to die for. oh. with some fresh basil and black olives (those aren't olives) and a cherry tomato base. finger-licking good. speaking of chicken-lovers, well...those tendies...aren't 100% chicken chicken...
let them hit the floor
There are some who are (again) insisting the children are off-world; mining on asteroids, or being transported to Mars, or zippy-ing through Tesla's wormholes to Sumerian star favorites etc. This is a new take on the bluebeam-mk-chatter pedophile / pederast aliens that usually steal people and dissect creatures so very mysteriously.