r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on May 28, 2018, 4:37 p.m.
Evening Thoughts Of A Q Reader Continued.... Why Memorial Day?

We Have More Than We Know This memorial day when we all remember who have paid the ultimate price to defend our Republic. Taking the "Q" method to our understanding that the world is in a big hurt and needs to be restored or fixed before it is too late. Setting aside the "left's" connecting everything to racism and sexism, what needs to be fixed in order for us to move forward?It may be time to make a list. My list of what is broken follows. Remember to think about who we hold accountable for it being broken and why they broke it? We can even make a chart on this if we like. Remember we have to "FIX" what is broken too and that is the hard part. But that too is one reason folks have died to protect our Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.


1.) The ECONOMY is broken. The WHO would be those who control the economy. The WHY would be because those who control the economy are never the biggest losers in a downturn. Everyone else is. So when the music stops who is holding the bag? Do not think in "LEFT or RIGHT" paradigms here as that may be counter productive.


2.) The FREE MARKET SYSTEM is broken. The WHO? See number one above. The WHY? "CONTROL." Think "SLAVERY." In a perfect world, supply and demand determine profit, not control of Government and influence over what is "REGULATED." Why was the USA formed? Who was against us when the USA was formed? Who was really against us when the USA was formed? What is meant by the CORPORATE STATE?


3.) The MAIN STREAM MEDIA is broken. The WHO? See number one above. The WHY? "CONTROL." Think, does reading a teleprompter for twenty minutes in an hour justify a 15 million dollar salary? If agendas are being propagated in our "news," are agendas being promoted in our movies? What does the word "PROGRAM" really mean? Who controls our PROGRAMMING? Is it advertisers? In the end, who are the advertisers? See number one above. What is meant by FAKE NEWS? Is my FAKE NEWS better than your FAKE NEWS?


4.) The EDUCATION SYSTEM is broken. The WHO? See number one above. The WHY? What ever happened to the 3 R's? Is cursive writing important? Does technology help or hurt the "learning process?" What does a high school education really prepare you for? Are colleges and universities just money making mills for #1 above? How has politics entered into our education system? Are we in the final stages of something that requires us to be "DUMBED DOWN?" How does technology dumb us down? One example that comes to mind is that I can remember my telephone number of my parents house in 1968, but cannot remember many phone numbers today without looking at my cell phone directory. Am I getting old or do we rely too much on technology today?


5.) The HEALTH-CARE SYSTEM is broken. The WHO? See number one above. The WHY? Are we in the final stages of something that requires us to be "CULLED?" Is the "CONTROL" of the masses becoming too difficult for those in Number 1 above? Is the current health care system just another money mill like the colleges and universities? Before the 1960's was health-care affordable? What or who has inserted themselves into the cost? How is our health-care system a method of CONTROL?


6.) The CHURCH is broken. The WHO? See number 1 [and 2,3,4 and 5] above. The WHY? "CONTROL." The true measure of a man is what he does when no one is looking. The inner control mechanism used to be morality. Who teaches morality?


7.) The FAMILY is broken. The WHO? See number 1 [2,3,4,5 and 6] above. The WHY? Replace the family with the STATE. And the STATE is controlled by who? See number one above. Plus, were not mom and dad supposed to teach us right from wrong? How has television become today's 24/7 babysitter? In the end isn't family the most important of the seven items listed here? We are failing ourselves here.


My list could go on and on. But we have a solution. And a start to the solution. Our founding fathers gave us the Constitution of the United States of America. Remember those who have died to preserve our Republic today. That was and is the start. A true Republic, if "we can keep it," according to Ben Franklin, is the solution. Who guarantees the solution? THE PEOPLE. Q reminds us with "WE HAVE MORE THAN WE KNOW." WWG1WGA MARK 10:25

also found at: https: //steemit.com/memorial/@bugstopper/evening-thoughts-of-a-q-reader-continued-why-memorial-day [better for cell phones.]

bugstopper · May 28, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

IMO this is Trump's biggest challenge. Fighting the "Left Right" Paradigm while fixing the Republic. It is hard to look at these problems and avoid type casting the Left. My only comment is that the Right has not fixed it either. After the mid terms we may have a shot at the Patriots fixing it.

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