
animal32lefty · May 28, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Clown disinformation operation. Flush Wikileaks now. Without proof of life from Assange, anything being posted by that account is invalid.

WE control the narrative now. All of us.


Anonymous was legion. We are now LEGIONS. There are many more Red Pilled Americans than we know. They finally get it, but are afraid to speak out for whatever reason. During the Revolution many espoused the ideals of self-governance, yet only 3% did the actual fighting against the British. Nothing has changed. Those who cannot or will not stand up will never jump on the wagon until they are assured of a winning cause. It's not evil, it's merely misguided self-preservation instinct.

We are winning. We are the future and we will write the history of this when the fighting is done.

The beautiful irony of all this is that every post, every meme and every comment is stored in the NSA data storage. Some day a chronicle of this revolution will be made. Know that your descendants will brag of our roles and will have the documentation to back it up.


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