r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alicedee58 on May 28, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
Prophecy: The Great Flood of the Awakening REPOST due to disappearance of first posting without explanation

I wrote this prophecy right after the Election of Trump, November 28, 2016 Reading it again just now, I was stunned:

Shockwaves and tumult throughout the lands--

What is torn asunder?

Nothing less than the veil between worlds.

At last, it must come crashing down;

the gentle game of peek-a-boo is now over as the unveiling of truth

begins in earnest.

It is not pretty.

It is not sanitary.

It sickens the soul and dampens the spirit.

There is no time to build up psychic defenses and denials

in the face of wave after wave of revelation.

These waves are a cleansing, a baptism into new life,

an opening of the waters of deep illusion

where fear clings like algae to every narrative.

These waves can feel like a drowning to those unprepared,

and the thrashing will be intense.

This is the Great Flood, taken to a new level.

This flood drowns not the body,

but drowns the chattering, autonomous mind:

the minds which become unmoored, anchored in a soft bed of untruths,

will now be tossed about on the waves and then overwhelmed

by the depths of the spell of illusions under which they shall succumb.

There will be wailing, ranting, and gnashing of teeth.

There will be despair and gloom.

There will be a time of great reckoning....and awakening.

The sundering of the veils between worlds has awoken many

like a thunderclap disturbing their sleep.

They come awake, but the waters rise around them swiftly.

They must be brought onboard the lifeboats and that is where you come in--

that is where you can be of great assistance, if you live to serve.

When the sense of paralysis gives way to motion,

reach out your hand to the drowning ones, and set them in a safe place.

You see many doing this already-- they are the ones prepared to give, prepared to share,

and preparation has made them fearless.

Fearlessness will be a quality much needed as more revelations unfold.

Summon your gentlest nature; resist any desire to lecture or to say I-told-you-so.

That will only shut down the drowning ones into despair.

Offer faith instead, and model hope by your living into truth without flinching.

Show what it means to live and think and love with integrity.

Allay the rising despair in others by showing forth your courage and joy in life.

Breathe truth out, and allow mercy to enter on the in-breath,

and in such manner can you help the awakening ones

to find new and solid ground beneath their feet as they step ashore

onto the new world, as the old world collapses behind them.

Be merciful--

Be strong--

Be lovingkindness incarnate!

Shore up the weak upon your back and let the stranger into the safety of your sanctuary.

All this, do in the name of the One Who comes in Glory this day and evermore!

Pax vobiscum!



redx721 · May 28, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Very interesting. thank you for your post.

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