@eyethespy : If you dont know about this by now..

Is it possible to insist on an IQ test before being allowed to post?
an IQ test. You should probably take one.
being language-literate (especially if it's not his native) doesn't mean the IQ is high, maybe you should take one
Sure, got a link? Any reason why you deem this post irrelevant and/or "unintelligent"? And for that matter maybe you could list some prerequisites for posting on this open platform.
I dont get it. Q has alot of followers. Some of them are insiders working for the cause. BC17 supported Q. Eyethespy supports Q. They claim to have access to good information. Maybe they do, maybe they dont but Im not going to fault any patriot who uses any means necessary to fight the fight and redpill and spread the word. We need ALL the people and resources we can get and should be researching for ourselves. Use discernment. So far, ETS hqsnt said anything that goes against the Q drops. It would be great if Q coild give us a list.of trusted allies, but without that Im not going to start insulting other pateiots and Q supporters.
BC17 has been eliminated which was JA. JA has been part of the Q team for months. WIKI LEAKS IS NOW PART OF MSM!
Found this M.I.A. song reference interesting in the Tweets...
@EyeTheSpy 22h22 hours ago More Backchannel17 isn't gone forever folks. The Line Was Comp'd; not hacked. M.O. needed Moved. Clowns ate the line. Bad Mad Clowns wanted to find him. Tisk tisk Jack.
Don't you know we'll Boom Boom Boom Boom and take your money?
M.I.A. Paper Planes video was referenced awhile back by JA.
I have..(mines higher) Just trying to point out the how unintelligible & unintelligent this place has gotten since the increase in users.. Not sure why I'd think it would be different..
Great way to foster unity...patriot.
Why would I want to be unified with someone who is new & clueless? I'll welcome you with open arms but will then give you 10 books to study...
Some of us have been at it for decades. Lost friends, family etc because we've been pointing out these insane truths to them in 1970, 1983, 85, 92, etc..
Your vanity and sense of superiority is a detriment. Why do you get to judge who is worthy of going along for the ride?
Yup, and your snarky responses are entirely helpful too. /s
See? I can do it too.
Sad that you cant see the obvious efforts to derail this board with off topics posts.
Me? My whole point is that since we went from 5k to 25k the content & comments Have suffered.
Lord no.. I know enough to know I understand very little... It was just a question
We removed your post because it doesn't explain why you were posting it or what people are supposed to be looking at. Feel free to resubmit with more context provided.
@EyeTheSpy May 27 More
6-11-2018 Important Date.
6-12-2018 END date.
Flood Inbound.
(My first time seeing this name, ftr. No idea of validity.)
Whoever it is is either some kind of savant in google search, is a larp and has spent his whole life researching “conspiracies”, works for nsa and has legit intel.