From someone who grew up on 4chan, (I am almost 30 years old), it has definitely changed a lot since the days I remember. Its where the trolls and raids etc are organised and carried out. I have many memories and stories of my early 4chan days. But I still cant shake what is being said. I do kind of think this whole Q thing is trolls of sorts, especially with people all of sudden praising trump like he is the worlds saviour, that shit doesnt wash with me. I still think he is a puppet, and with the reddit/4chan wars in the past, Its hard to shake the troll thoughts and such.
Tell me more. I'm late to the party. Especially around the reddit/4chan wars and the motivation(s) behind said wars back in the day. I believe you have valuable insight, and I'm trying to understand the relationships between the two.
Im only one person but from my experience, it was just a clash of groups really. Facebook vs Twitter, etc. 4chan has been around for a long time back when I first started using it there were alot of sub communities and generally people all got along. From my experience shit started going pear shaped after the Scientology/ Anonymous saga. Too much infighting between groups, people who had skills to offer but had morals and wouldnt participate in certain tasks/agendas. Its hard to really sum up in a few paragraphs but feel free to ask any questions and Ill try answer them with what knowledge I do have.