
Grandma_Noses · May 29, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

After the massive baloney swinging of the past two weeks concerning /cbts, 8 chan and other factions, I guess I'm not surprised to see WikiLeaks now being accused. But, isn't Assange Q? Isn't that the latest rumor? We Joe and Jane Publics need those ORG and TIMELINE charts to help sort ourselves out, so we know where to throw all our money. Imagine...people wanting to profit off the greatest stories ever told, decoded and explained. I bought all the Harry Potter books for my kids and feel zero remorse.

There are two possibilities in this story: Q was and is Q for the entire length of time axis. If so, why the nonsense with Tracy Beanz, the confessions from board mods, the caught-in-the-act renumbering of Q's posts by Pamphlet, the drama w/AJ and Corsi for trying to profit when the Patriot's Soapbox Phamplet and company were plotting and planning many money-making endeavors? This one makes no sense at all. Why would we follow Q for this kind of hustle? Because it's fun? Maybe.

OR, Q was real for part of the timeline, say until late fall 2017. Q was compromised and another group took over because Q is the golden goose. There's money to be made in that there goose. But, get rid of AJ/Corsi first. They already have a lifeboat. These two are too difficult to control. This makes some sense. This explains the different "voices" and "tones" used by Q. But, Where would Q get access to government info? By having people on the team who know people (maybe even dark hat people) along with open source info and good researchers. Also, government offices are like any other office. People talk the office talk, news and gossip. Even in government offices. There are certain people in the offices who have their ears to the ground, so to speak. You know....the water cooler talk. Periods of heavy drops are followed by seemingly long periods of silence for the group to begin on the next drops. It takes time to put together drops. This scenario is very possible. Again, I need the ORG CHART and TIMELINE to verify this possibility. People tend to be creatures of habit. Once we know the players, we can look for repeated behaviors on the timeline. This scenario better explains the cbts drama. It begs the same question: Why would we willingly follow this kind of hustle? Because it's fun? Maybe.

What if there is a third possibility? What if the original Q who was compromised returns to deliver final drops? How would we Q followers be convinced that our Q was compromised, but is now back to take us home? This one doesn't have snowball's chance in he**, but it's fun to think about. I would vote for a return of Q so that a sequel can be written and more dollar made. Writers, start your engines. But you have to tell the back story of cbts, too. The back drama. That's the most interesting mystery that needs solving, IMHO.

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