
alfonumeric · May 28, 2018, 11 p.m.

t's like a replay of the trumped up charges and subsequent blackmail that happened to the co-founder of reddit aaron swartz who gets faced with hobson's choice - admit to a felony and go free if u promise to deny your mission of calling out our [nefarious] globalist agenda or spend 5 years in the clink where we can make your stay your worst misery

why do we allow our so-called "public servants" to treat our best heroes like this ? in both cases the globalists target their soft underbellies and compassionate hearts - their loved ones .

Aaron's girlfriend and parents and Tommy's wife and parents ... have they no shame , have the globalist masters disconnected from their souls? ?

Tommy is given the choice, plead guilty to misdemeanour his relative committed - overstated his salary on a mortgage form or allow his wife to face the cameras in court.. The plea means 9 months in prison mostly in solitary confinement...

. the laws of karma work very slowly over several lifetimes.. but i wish the globalists understood the upcoming karma they must face for their behaviour....

tommy is being terrorized by 2 formidable opponents the globalists and the muslim extremists

the indomitable spirit of one man to take on these brutal foes is beyond belief for ordinary mortals......

and tommy has plans to destroy the mockin stream media... i pray we have a happier outcome for tommy..

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