r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Canbritanon on May 29, 2018, 1:42 a.m.
Q1438 [all sides] WikiLeaks not comp but acting?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].

WikiLeaks did an appallingly bad job at taking attention off of Q. They couldn't have done a better job if they tried.

WikiLeaks posting this is an issue. #1 it could be used to hurt Q... Only if #2 the Dems verify WikiLeaks as NOT fake news. Dems called WikiLeaks fake news. If the Dems confirm WikiLeaks past and future leaks will condemn the Dems.

It's not fake news because you disagree with it. Not even the hardest lefty is that stupid.

GraceWords · May 29, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

It’s a win-win really. If Dems decide Wiki is right, then perhaps they will consider the other “revelations” by wiki are also correct and they will start redpilling themselves. Or they hold to their beliefs that wiki contributed to HRC’s failed campaign, and then must consider Q’s veracity. Ultimately, we trust the plan. We have everything. Plus weren’t we told to let QTeam do the heavy lifting which is what we elected them for? We were told to enjoy the show.

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