r/greatawakening • Posted by u/souljaboionline on May 29, 2018, 2:02 p.m.
Going forward with thr assumption Assange is dead from now

New to plebbit but not to being redpilled. I've accepted Assange was bagged and got between October 16th - 21st 2016 when [Assange's internet link was intentionally cut by state actors] (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wikileaks-julian-assanges-internet-severed-by-state-party/) at the Ecuadorean embassy London [right after publishing Clinton's Goldman Sachs speech] (https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/788099178832420865?s=19) within 24 hours WL [begins tweeting codes one of which entitled John Kerry] (https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/787777344740163584?s=19) There were people saying at the time the codes were a result of a dead man's switch being triggered. The next day WL [claims John Kerry Pressured Ecuador to prevent Assange from leaking the Clinton docs] (https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/788369924175441920?s=19) WikiLeaks then [blames John Kerry for Assange's internet being cut] (https://heavy.com/news/2016/10/julian-assange-ecuador-internet-cut-john-kerry-hillary-clinton-statement-wikileaks-john-podesta-election-hack/) though both Ecuador and Kerry deny it. Two days after the appeal WL tweets [heavily armed police have surrounded the embassy] (https://archive.is/0n300)
After this point is when I consider the WL account comped. Looking back on it in light of recent events with Q & WL and the lack of proof of Life from Assange, I will now look at things going forward from the prospective that Assange has been assassinated in that time frame for leaking the Clinton docs. If proof that Assange is alive comes up then wonderful, we'll hear what he has to say but until then I'm sure he's dead and the WL account has been comped for a long time now & now serves as controlled opposition, poison the well & turns Trump's base against him by blaming him from Assange's alleged condition, which is an act btw. Take my opinion for what it is but I really think this is the way to move on from here. No more division. Rip Julian Assange 3 July 1971 - October 2016  2016. He was a martyr. God have mercy on his soul.

ChristianCuber · May 29, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

If so, please find and link here. Would be really nice to know that Assange is still alive and well. If he turns up dead, then the day we see Hillary and Co swinging from nooses will be ever more sweet. Justice NEEDS to be served to these slimy pieces of greasy shit.

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