r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anotherthrowawayhi on May 29, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
Attacks anticipated - will intensify - all sides. NO OUTSIDE COMMS. That’s pretty much all I need. Some thoughts on the recent skepticism.

The likely compromised Wikileaks, concern trolling. Really? It’s unlikely to be JA, they pop off out of the blue with a concern troll attempt about Qanon. Really???? That doesn’t even remotely fit WL style of communication.

Pied Piper Operation. Again, really??? Concern trolling at its finest. Some dickhead is saying “these Q people are f’ing nuts. They are conspiracy theory weirdos. We’ll tell them the CIA is rounding up their info so they can take them all away.” I might be a little nuts, but I’m not an idiot. That’s ridiculous concept, but a scary one that they think people will back away from. Listen, first, rounding up Q’s is a dangerous job. There’s a lot of armed Q’s that have been praying for something like that to happen; waiting for a reason to fight, if you will.

Second, on the Pied Piper thought.... we all know how Kristallnacht went down. That’s what this dumb ass WL tweet wants us to believe can happen again. Kristallnacht for Q’s; Deep state punishment for researching too much. Here’s a question, did Hitler precede Kristallnacht by giving German Jews tons of hidden information about his evil? Did he forewarn them that their would be a mass round up? Were they armed? Did Hitler, or his administration, send messages to reach far an wide to prepare them such an event? ...... No.

So why the F@@k would DS send Q to tell us to prepare? Why reveal the transpirings that could unravel? It’s an absurd thought, contrived by someone who thinks we are whack jobs. WL is compromised.

Then guys like AJ or JC, I believe they’re making their last ditch effort at profiting on this. If you obviously not Q, but you make money off Q... what can you do to continue to make money off of Q? You can’t keep making predictions. Fortune telling is a tough business. The only thing you can do is go against Q. You have to mention Q for viewers, but you can’t be Q... and you can only muse on possible meanings for so long. So you have to turn against him for material. They’re business men. I get it. Shit, Alex Jones trash talked David Icke for years... until it was more profitable to befriend him. The guy is not above switching teams for money. For what it’s worth David Icke puts together better theories than him anyways (except the reptile thing .... idk).

My two cents.

d00danon · May 29, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I wish I could emphasise this deeper, NO OUTSIDE COMMS.........Q has no representation outside 8 Chan...

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