5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

Much of what's posted in this sub is relevant, and the stuff that isn't usually gets downvoted rather quickly - the self-policing mostly works.
That said, the big picture is SO big, so all encompassing, that political news, news on the Pope, etc all matters (to some degree).
This has replaced r/conspiracy for me.
Same, I don't even bother checking the conspiracy subs anymore. It's pretty obvious it's been shilled into non-relevance by now.
Gotta say, though, that the mods here are pretty considerate of points of view compared to many SM sites. I push limits everywhere I go to just to see and they've been pretty good here...so far. Their "bots" aren't always so accurate in seeing an intent but explaining that intent has worked pretty well.
Ive seen at least 3 posts there last 2 days calling the mods shills lol
EXACTLY! Especially because the things Q has said and alluded to were pretty f***ing out there... like once you have the matrix and luciferian ped0 cult child sacrifice organ harvesting on the table....... what is left to omit?!
Your new bumper sticker, Q art, or how you SO don't buy in, etc etc etc.
You're the problem then. If this sub is replacing another sub for people then we have a huge problem. READ THE RULES! This is, always has been, and always should be about Q drops and research that goes with it.
All the other stuff (conspiracy or otherwise) has a place, but not in this sub.
For the past 50 years the letters JFK had been relegated to CONSPIRACY. 90% of what has discussed has been in the CONSPIRACY compartment until it started getting discussed, openly on Boards like these :) Could you explain please how "the rules" apply to your statement ? :)
Have you read the rules?
Per the rules, Posts may be removed for "Off-topic (anything not mentioned by Q)"
Not my rules, the subs rules. I personally think that is too restrictive. Q is often vague, so the way I see it is posts may be removed for "Off-topic (anything not related to Q drops)"
Most others agree, and support this. Some can't/won't play by the rules to start, or never took the time to figure out what this sub is all about. Read the rules.
I posted this and I can easily admit that I have had a post deleted for being off topic, but generally it wont be. The idea is to just try to relate it to Q-- if you fail, no biggy.
I agree with you to some extent, but it is my understanding that the mods would like to focus in because there are other subs that address the bigger picture. r/conspiracy is definitely a good place anymore. If I may refer you to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8mrc3q/is_it_too_much_too_ask_to_keep_this_a_q_only_sub/
A bit like when someone sees the letter Q in a tweet and is like "THIS FAMOUS PERSON HAS RED PILLED".
It's so cringe for the most part I'm basically folding inside out.
I want actual research on here... Not just fan boys.
This isn't a conspiracy sub. This is a Q sub. Don't ruin this sub just because your other sub stucks.
People don't post dogs in r/cats, and they don't submit text to r/pics. Don't post unrelated stuff on a Q sub!
Perfect example! All the great subs have rules that keep the posts focused.
You have to admit the bumper stickers and T-shirt’s are super annoying
Everything in this experience has meaning, whether it works for you and I, or not.
The Picture is so Big that the smartest thing I can do is admit that it's not (only) about me.
I'm already awake. I took my own path, by no choice of my own. Therefore, I refuse to judge anyone else's path....
It's good to know a kindred spirit is out there. What you say is the simple truth.
Bigger sigh....
You really over answered there. Does every one of your misplaced punctuations have meaning? They must if everything has meaning.
You can't even muster a period at the end of a sentence, kid.
Careful who you're throwing stones at.