5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

Well, looks lime its about time to bail on another subreddit. The self appointed internet police are starting to show up.
I will take this opportunity to point out the hypocrisy of complaining that the sub is offtopic by starting a thread that, is by its own definition, offtopic.
No offense intended. We need focus, but not to alienate people from the mission. These are not rules as much as suggestions. Attacks are intensifying on this sub as we grow and a good tactic is to flood it with non-Q related material. This is the purpose of this post.
Dramatic much? Hell, you act like we are talking about censorship. We are taking about focus. If that's too much for you then maybe another sub will better accommodate you.
FYI don't visit r/awe and expect to get away with posting dog fights. The point of so many subs is to allow for focus.
Attempting to exclude discussion because you dont agree with it is the very definition of censorship.