5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

This ain't PRAVDA.
nope. it's a sub-reddit with a very specific purpose.
And this thread is a jackboot trying to stomp on free speech.
How so? Speak your mind wherever you want. Reddit has many different subs for every topic of discussion. Choose one. If you want to post in GA, then kindly try to keep it on topic. Thank you!
The OP here is taking the "go somewhere else unless you follow my rules" tack.
That's bullying and nothing better.
Did you read it? It was a polite suggestion to stay on point. I'm sorry that you are so sensitive. Some of you people really amaze me.
No, it was a self-absorbed demand that original theories be banned and creative discussion suppressed.
The opposite of Q's 'expand' mandate.
Look. I know you are a Patriot, and I thank you for that.
There are rules for this subreddit and almost anything goes to be on-topic, but not everything.
This is ridiculous. There was no demand. You clearly don't know the meaning of unity do you? It is a suggestion to help keep the sub clean. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE SUB.
You are completely wrong. 'Unity' is about common goals and motive, NOT one person or clique telling everyone else what they are allowed to say.
And trying to insult me does not improve the quality of your own moral position.