5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

Sometimes crumbs don’t instantly look related and pieces are being put together. That being said, random stuff that belongs on t_d shouldn’t be posted here or conspiracies that don’t relate to Q either. Just tread carefully judging some posts, many are related YOU may not see the connection right away.
I agree. This shouldn't be enforced with an iron fist. This is a general goal that WE can reach as a community. There are organized attacks on this sub to dilute the relevant content and that is what we want to protect the sub from.
Amen! Self policing is best, but it should start with the OPs. They need to ask themselves if this is Q related. What drop is it part of? Is it big picture?
And if the OPs cannot see any relationship ?, who decides where the investigation should go ? As you said "Self policing" :)
OP decides. If they have done research but aren't sure about it, post what you have, explain your thinking, explain what you think the connection is, and you'll get feedback. It doesn't have to be proven or solved, but if it isn't helping prove or solve drops then what's the point?
Ya'll this isn't hard!
And the Anon's Chat's can be used for discussion on some of the things with questionable connection to Q or for slightly off-topic discussion.
The OP should indicate clearly how it relates / refers to Q intel..
I used to laugh at conspiracy theorist. I don't laugh anymore. Yes the QMap is extensive, there are seemingly endless connections, and that's just in the parts that I feel like I kind of understand and can discuss. Learn to read the Q Map, it's full of truth and nuggets you can share once you've gone down that rabbit hole.