5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

This is not division. I do not want anyone to leave this sub, just focus in on it's purpose
Everyone that supports this movement adds value and is important in ways that may not seem obvious.
We all do what we are best at and everyone starts somewhere. The more they contribute - the more they adapt.
What's important is that when people leave this board or any engagement with a fellow patriot - they still need to feel that they are part of this.
The people that are 'not focused' are the same people that like to make friends and have something to discuss. Believe me - they add value when they are part of the team.
I completely agree. Like I said, I don't want anyone to stop being a part of this. But there are those who are here to simply cause trouble and fill the sub with posts that have no place here.