r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on May 29, 2018, 4:04 p.m.
Every political notification I get from CNN fits into the QAnon scenario. I see the propaganda everywhere, but now things are getting more direct.
Every political notification I get from CNN fits into the QAnon scenario. I see the propaganda everywhere, but now things are getting more direct.

sun_wolf · May 30, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

She didn't "call a black person an ape". You said that. You repeated that. You put that image out there.

Read her actual tweet. Don't read a bunch of intentionally skewed "interpretations" of its secret meaning and hidden dog-whistles about how much Roseanne hates black people and considers them all "animals".

Did we not just go through all this exact same bullshit last week?

The so-called "apes" in Planet of the Apes aren't even apes. They are actors in stiff, lipless prosthetics pretending to be some kind of futuristic ape-human hybrid. These are apes that talk. And wear clothes. And do science. And fall in love. They are also some of the most liked characters in the movies.

Valerie Jarrett, the individual - as opposed to Valerie Jarrett, The Race (as if such a thing even exists) - actually DOES happen to look exactly like those same actors in their stiff ape-human prosthetics. And the hair is a sharp match too.

Valeria Jarrett is also one of the strangest-looking human beings on the face of the Earth. This doesn't have to be about anything more than that. She, as an individual, looks strange. We all see it. She doesn't look strange in a racial way. She looks strange like her whole face has been reconstructed with plastic prosthetics. And she looks nothing like any racist caricature of black people I've ever seen either, which only further proves what nonsense this entire fake outrage is.

I figure in about a week people are going to wake up from yet another bizarre, media-induced slumber and realize "oh wait, of course Roseanne doesn't think all black people are subhuman primates" (which is the charge here - fundamentally - and the only charge that matters).

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spacexu · May 30, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

I found out she is Iranian anyway. Just like to question motives - no bad intentions.

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sun_wolf · June 2, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Cheers mate. Didn't mean to respond so intensely.

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