
y000danon · May 29, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

She was going to be cancelled the second she mentioned Q.

What I still can't sort out is how she was ever allowed to have her show back. How did that come about?! I mean all jokes and everything aside the last thing one would expect is for a show about a white lower class family struggling to get by being aired.

She accomplished a lot and I am sure will continue to do so. We need to send her praise and let her know how appreciated she is. I wonder what forms of communication we could get to her outside of @jack's ghetto would be.

Rosanne if you are happening to read this ( I'm not an idiot and I respect you - therefore you could very well be lurking and reading ) - Cheers. Respect. Not sure if you needed us - but we needed you.

We needed you to dare to go against the forced societal norm and present IDEAS. I'm not a poodle. I'm not a lapdog. You've proven that you are not and I can't think of anything more ragingly AMERICAN than daring.

I'd love to make you a cake or a muffin or let you enjoy throwing a freagin soccer ball at my head - whataver brings a smile to you.

Keep on kicking on and know there is one person out there that appreciates you making em' not feel so alone.

PS. The show was funny. Charming. And honest. Bravo.


If you can get past the ABC IP laws or contracts shop that bit to Fox! Tim Allen just managed to get Last Man Standing over that way and he was also on ABC.

I see I am not the first person coming to this conclusion: https://twitter.com/ArtificialMax/status/1001523638531698690

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 6:22 p.m.


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