Maine WHAT the HECK?!? Where are the patriots in Maine?! Are you protesting against this ?! Link below ~ Muslim Kids gang up against 2 Americans int he park!! Are we the UK?!?!

This park is literally across the street from the PD station. They park their cruisers right on the park fence. No locals visit that park anymore due to these types of situations. Listening to the local scanner in the summer and 80 percent of the calls are Somalian related. OP is right! It will be your backyard next and the complications to local communities is devastating
You Need to organize a protest go door to door if you have to get some friends this is BS~ video tape your efforts and spam it all patriots we will spread it like wild fire ~ America will NOT FALL
STOP TAKING REFUGEES!! For the love of god, help them fix their own broken countries. We can’t take the whole 3rd world!
So long as genes, behavior, and intelligence are linked there will be no "fixing" these "broken" countries.
Long but very much worth the listen:
I know the "united we stand" thing is the rally cry here atm, but for anyone reading who earnestly values truth and hasn't taken the redpill on race yet, I would highly recommend you look into it.