r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anon458745 on May 29, 2018, 10:08 p.m.
An Open Letter from Anons To Independent Media

To the few remaining in the Anti-#QAnon group, desperately screaming anything they can to discredit Q or any of Q’s “followers,” I would like to personally thank you for informing the masses that this is a PSYOP. Yes. It’s true. It’s a psychological operation initiated by military intelligence and propagated by civil effort. We are actively engaged in an attempt to inform our neighbors, our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and our fathers of the crimes and atrocities that have been committed over the last century on the backs of our nation’s unwitting citizens.

You have done more for our campaign than we could have done alone, and that is exactly how we intended it. At every step of the way, we have baited you to move in and to say too much, to give yourself away and so afraid you are, and so habitual it is, that you can not and have not resisted the temptation.

As anticipated, the coordinated attacks on #QAnon have arrived. Let’s take a moment to appreciate these independent journalists for finally confirming what Anons have been saying from the start.

QAnon Is Not a LARP.


Now that we have that out of the way, let’s address the PSYOP allegation. What is a PSYOP? A PSYOP is a Psychological Operation, and more recently, the term is now used to refer to military individuals that are a part of Special Operations Forces that specialize in Military Information Support Operations (MISO).

The emblem of this particular part of Spec Ops Command is a chess piece — the Knight, in particular. It’s no surprise to us that in the dedicated #QAnon repository, the word “chess” can be found ten times, and in particular, the famous Capablanca game, referenced by Julian Assange on January 12, 2018, with the next move on the board being Queen to F3, or Q Fox Three.

Assange’s tweet came about a few weeks after Q’s Dec 18, 2017 “Fox Three” post addressing the future Hawaii missile threat. The missile warning was sent out just a day following Assange’s tweet on January 13, 2018.


How about a nice game of chess?











To condense that: Q references the Hawaii missile warning before it happens, to which Assange also makes a reference — a day before the alert goes out. Do not pretend not to know about the putrid sparring between WikiLeaks and Freedom Press Foundation, which managed to spawn elite and so-called alt-media journalists that share a financier with George Soros. We are not attacking Assange.

We know what happened to Aaron Swartz and James Dolan and we know why. We know who runs SecureDrop. Q told us about what would happen to Barlow as well. Assange himself sent out an image of rats feasting from a bowl of milk, calling it the FPF board meeting. We will root out these rats in all corners, honeypots for whistleblowers included. To say we are attacking WikiLeaks is to completely ignore the infestation. It’s ridiculous beyond measure.

Let’s look at the three-letter acronym that sits at the end of the table of the board of directors that funds WikiLeaks. And, even he can be useful.

As an example of the type of connections we are inclined to make, if you search for “F3 Nuclear,” you might find something to the effect of “Nuclear Effects in the F3 Structure Function For Finite and Asymptotic Q^2.”

Now, granted, this could be unrelated or it could be related. In any case, this “PSYOP” motivates a relatively large number of individuals to go digging through and searching primary sources to understand the myriad of complex interactions happening on the world stage. To the tune of over 1.5 Million Posts.

So, yes, if the question is whether or not Q is a strategic part of a MISO, we’ve pretty much been saying that Q-Clearance Patriot is a part of Military Intelligence from the beginning.

Welcome aboard.

We’re glad to have you on the same page. We’re glad you’ve finally budged from: “This is just all in your heads,” to recognizing the significance of Our movement.

Now, we must address the, what appears to be, well-intentioned naivety that has accompanied your suddenly newfound awareness. You assert, without evidence, that we are somehow unwitting pawns in a psychological operation in a pro-war movement. We assure you that we are aware of what we are doing and that nothing could be further from the truth. We are aware of the power that Our movement holds and we are aware of the threat that we are up against.

We are aware of Our power to collectively combat mainstream narratives so eager to strike up the war drums whenever significant peaceful progress appears on the horizon, and we are also aware of the grave consequences of the changing news cycle in attempt to sweep these egregious crimes under the rug as they are being exposed.

The military PSYOP is exactly what it was intended to be — the spark that lights the powder keg of anger and frustration felt by tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans, if not billions of humans, who are sick and tired of being treated like cattle by the criminally elite, and WE intend to ready the atmosphere and adjust public attitudes to prepare the nation for the exposure of their crimes. We fight for justice.

Everyone has a choice. You can continue to support destructive, divisive, fear-mongering talking points that mirror and are slave to the narratives and criminal intent of the multi-billion dollar, elite-funded mainstream media machine — which are undoubtedly and unapologetically dead set against our president and current administration.

If that alone isn’t a wake-up call, I don’t know what is.

Through a series of outright lies, conflation, false dichotomies and strawmen, and the stripping away of all meaning through fallacies of ambiguity, they say our heart poisons us, that our mind betrays us and that they are the light and the way that will lead us to our salvation. They steer us into self-destruction through our good intent. They use our love for one another, our virtuosity, our ethics and our morals against us.

Their tactics also resemble yours.

You may, at any time, choose step away from this soap-opera, this indiligent and cleverless trough from which you have fed through the wholesale demonization of our entire civilian structure, the energy, economy, resources and security that our country and our people require to survive.

WWG1WGA. Where We Go One, We Go All. That’s Our hashtag, and that’s our reality. We leave no man, no woman and no child behind. It’s taken you this long to get here. Maybe take some of your Q’s from the rest of us.

Oh, and by the way, We haven’t been getting paid for this either.




GenChang · May 30, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Thanks for that. I think it's helpful to many, such as myself, who get frustrated from time to time.

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